SORRY I GOT IT WRONG!! THE YEAR I MEAN!! before i typed it year 2005 and im sorry for that!!
and now i correct it!!

i tried to solve this problem!!
and have a problem in sorting and searching!!

hope you can guide me with this problem!!!
thanks a lot people!!

please!! help me to solve my problem in programming!! this is the problem:
*array of class, use struct
*create a dynamic array of customers account record with the following attributes:
a) account number
b)last name
d)middle initial
e)account balance
f)status(o-open/ c-close)

it will perform the following transactions:
* Account Number is generated randomly & must be unique!!!
* last, first name, MI & Acct balance should be the users input. balance should not be less than 5000.00
* status is open(O) if balance is above 100.00 otherwise status is closed(C).

* last, first, MI, Acct bal, status are displayed if account num is found otherwise display an appropriate message.
*amount of deposit is an input & should not be less than 1.00 deposit should be added to the current balance.

* Account number is a input.
* last, fist, MI, Acct bal, status are displayed if account num is found otherwise display an appropriate message.
* Amount withdrawn is an input & should not be less than 1.00. Withdrawn amount should be reflected to the balance.

* account num is an input. if found display customers information else display the corresponding message.

* inquire the bank account of the customer using last name!!(it will display the information of the customer!!)
Note: Result should be in ascending order using Firstname as a key.

* show the customers info!!
Note: Result should be in ascending order using Firstname as a key.

i need your help a lot!!

Starting a new thread with the correct date is not going to help you get anyone to do your homework for you. Nobody is going to symaphize with someone who makes NO effort to do it yourself.

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