For quiet some time now i have been trying to get the java API library downloaded on my system but no success yet, i have tried all means possible that i know, for instance i have been to, even to lately but no success yet.
I am not suppose to be new here but unfortunately i am still new, due to the fact that am finding java somehow difficult, but am here to stay now for real cos am not gonna take quitting as a means.
Please, good people in here am taking you as my giant and am i will be standing on your shoulder in here come to my aid.

What is it you are trying to download? The Oracle site has lots to download.
JDK for SE, EE, ...
API documentation

Thanks a lot guys, i will be on the look out for more professional advice and tutorials from u all in here.
Am basically interested in programming and web development for now, am a newbie and i need masterminds cos am alone on my own, but with u people in here i belief i will soon bcom a pro
Thanks once more

jackmaverick1 thanks for your suggested link, but the API documentation is only accessible in there, but i want the one that can be downloaded on my system for personal reference in case am not online.

@gyno: actually, there's no such thing as "one complete api ready to be downloaded".
every developer, even from the smallest amount of classes, every framework, comes with it's own api.

a quick google for "download java api" would automatically lead you to the next site
download docs on the Oracle website.

but do realise, this is not the "complete list" of all existing Java classes out there, but it's a start.

I don't think you can download the WHOLE API thing. Besides those files are probably copyrighted, and the size of those files might (might) take up multiple hard drives...

I would suggest starting with learning the stuff on the Java Trails, for the first few lessons (the Trails make it a lot harder than it has to be), then finding a relatively easy project to work on. When you are done with that, continue doing things with Java, until you feel comfortable taking on a larger project. Just Google project ideas, or better yet, come up with one on your own; I've always felt that is the most fun way to learn a new language.

Good luck!

The last API doc zip file I downloaded was about 57M.
The tutorials was 105M

I don't think you can download the WHOLE API thing. Besides those files are probably copyrighted, and the size of those files might (might) take up multiple hard drives...

I would suggest starting with learning the stuff on the Java Trails, for the first few lessons (the Trails make it a lot harder than it has to be), then finding a relatively easy project to work on. When you are done with that, continue doing things with Java, until you feel comfortable taking on a larger project. Just Google project ideas, or better yet, come up with one on your own; I've always felt that is the most fun way to learn a new language.

Good luck!

sure you can, and do remember, api files are basically plain text html. since it doesn't contain images or any of that, the size is not all that big

Yea thanks to you all for all your advises and suggestions, eventually i was able to download the API that i was talking about and so far the problem about Java API is solved, especially to you jackmaverick1, cos i go directly to the link you suggested and that was where i found it
Thanks to you all once more i appreciate you all.


I need more Advice on how to approach PROGRAMMING,cos its going to about 2yrs now since i started Java Language,but up till now i haven't have a grip of it and how to study or practice effectively in other to come out with something meaningful.
Help me out cos i never want to quit at all, i love PROGRAMMING and i want to made career out of it, pls assist me

2 years and no grip at all?
well, maybe you should think about changing career plans.
are you studying by yourself or on school?

thanks stultuske,i have being on my own all this while, i lovePROGRAMMINGand i don't want to quit that is why i believe that i 've found my Master Mind Crew the moment i join this forum and so far i have put my confidence in you all, telling me to change carrier hurts a so well, is there no hope/option any more.

sure there 's hope, but ... if you say you've been studying for two years and still have no grip, maybe your study methodology just doesn't do it for you.
if you really want to learn to program, don't put your confidence in us, put it in yourself.

change methodology and study methods until you've found onde that works for you, but if you spent weeks studying and still don't get a grip, it's obviously not working out, don't wait another two years to decide on that.

you might want to take a close look on the first post, that's panned as a sticky post on the top of this forum. it has a lot of helpfull information and tips for beginners, you'll find enough links and books to start you off.

Get a beginners book, and then work on a bunch of practice problems/projects... That's what got me to the point where I am now.

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