Hi ,
I am new in core java.
i have develop an application. in that i am used the combobox in combobox i am displaying roll no. of students from sqldatabase. now when i want to find rollno when keypress on combobox. ie. if i have enter 2 then display roll no. which is start from 2 serial. i have allready use like query but trouble to bind the data in combobox.

any help will be appriciated.

thanks in advance.

JComboBox inside JComboBox ?
Never seen that before. I have seen cascaded combobox where selecting an item in the first one will change wat the other one shows but never what you mentionned.

Anxious to see your code

I am using single combo box. This combo box is in editable mode. so user can type in it when user type something like "1" then it will show the list of roll no. like that ways "10000","11000","11100". this list must be shown in dropdownlist itself.

can anybody help me please its urgent!
Thanks in advance.

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