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108 Posted Topics
Re: You can always make a loop and add the the first operator to itself second operator times If you want to be fancier you can << the first operator the largest multiplier of 2 of the second operator and then use the initial loop for the reminder (not multiple of … | |
Re: [url]http://lmgtfy.com/?q=generating+barcode+java[/url] | |
Re: So a basic question, you won't find any [i]polynomial[/i] library What is the probelm with the code you wrote ? | |
Re: Show your code. Regular try/catch clause should do the job | |
Re: And which code have you produced yet ? | |
Re: > java Xyz where Xyz is the Xyz.class file generated by Netbeans | |
Re: The garbage collector won't free objects that have still a reference. If it does, and the hell if I know how you figure that out, it is because your code does not have any more links to these objects. Unless you show your code, there is not much we can … | |
Re: ArrayList are not synchronized while Vector are. No way Vactor will become obsolete. And yes you can use Vector of Vector. JTable use them | |
Re: If you do not want to use standard Java JComponent and their look and feel why using Java ? | |
Re: JComboBox inside JComboBox ? Never seen that before. I have seen cascaded combobox where selecting an item in the first one will change wat the other one shows but never what you mentionned. Anxious to see your code | |
Re: You do nothing with number1 and number2 generated in your actionPerformed() You defined them there. may be you want: number1 = rand.nextInt(10); number2 = rand.nextInt(10); so it will affect your instance variables not the ones created in your actionPerformed() | |
Re: Never heard of the SqlConnection() class usually use con = DriverManager.getConnection(dbPath + bdName, "sa", ""); And NetBeans has nothing to do with your problem/ NetBeans is just a fancy GUI editor no need to mention it in your topic title | |
Re: JTextField.getText() will always return a String. I might have a length() of 0 but will never be null | |
Re: If, for your application, a null String and a zero size String are equivalent you can: [code] if(a == null || a.length() == 0) { } [/code] | |
Re: A char can always be converted to an int char x = 'z'; int i = x; as far as basic datatype are concerned you cannot apply a method to them so intLetter = charLetter.parseInt(); is obviously wrong | |
Re: cronjob is Unix related java System.currentTimeMillis(); will give you the actual time in millis | |
Re: We'll need mode details How do you import a picture into another picture ? | |
Re: And please a more descriptive topic title "Help" is kind of a completly useless topic title in this forum | |
Re: from System.out.println("\n" + var1,"\n" + var2); to System.out.println("\n" + var1 + "\n" + var2); | |
| |
Re: So obviously you are not entering integer if EasyIn works correctly | |
Re: If you want to capture a keystroke it will be done through an ActionListener or a KeyboardListener or an EventListener of some kind all Java methods I am afraid off | |
Re: make sure you put a System.out.println() statement in all your catch clause which will p[rint the error encountered | |
Re: Your question does no make sense You miss some basic concept(s) How to configure my car to use shis racks while using a trailer ? | |
Re: [url]http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/try.html[/url] | |
Re: I'll bet your problem is somewhere else or you have a lot and lot and a lot of data in each of your pane. If it is the case, yes you can. Just add all your pane (JPanel I presume) empty Have a Listener to inform you when a Tab … ![]() | |
Re: By default, in Swing, <TAB> means give focus to next component | |
Re: just open the .html file find where the Applet is coming from FTP it back to yoyr local file system jad it | |
Re: What in your terminoly is an "object name" tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() will tell you which pane is visible | |
Re: If each Tab has a JTextPane make an array of them then textPane[tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex()] will be the one in use |
The End.