
I have a textbox, a previous button (<<), a plus button (+) and a next button (>>).

When a user clicks a plus button, he can enter the date in textbox. He could enter unlimited number of dates this way.

Now user, if he clicks previous button (<<), the previous entered date should come up and if he clicks the next button (>>), the date entered in textbox by clicking plus (+) should come up.

What logic should i use?

FYI,I have tried this using session and arraylist

let me know for any inputs required.


No inputs?? expecting some good and great inputs..

Probably no responses because there's missing info.

Where are you storing the input? Is it just stored in memory, in a file, sql server? Is this a Winform or web app? (I'm assuming web because you mentioned session data).

Also, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?

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