I have 3 microsoft access databases all with exactly the same structure called Nimdas,Nimdas1 and Nimdas2. I can work on Nimdas in a program that I have written in VB2008. Now I want to flit from one to the other 'on the fly' using the same program.

How do I get the program to change the database it is looking at?

Thanks for your help


To access to particular dataBase, you only need the correct connection string.

What Mitja means is that you can easily select the connection string you want to use (and therefore what database you connect to). A drop down box would work for example. All you need is a way to alter which connection string you are referencing at run time.

Thanks for that. Yes it works beautifully where I have connected to the database in code that I have written but most of my screens have been made using microsoft's visual methods ( you know the drag and drop thing) that rely on the appconfig file. How can I change those screens easily?

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