hi, im a java beginner.i want to read multiple text files,say 100 files.i want to remove the stop words from each of the file and want to save the contents after the stop words removal into newer files. For instance, a file name.txt contains: my name is sash after the stop word (my,is)removal it should be saved into an other file named name1.txt containing: name sash i have written code for stop word removal from a string.now i wan to do the same for a number of text files.here is the code for string:

/* This is the code for removing stop words from a text * stop words are saved in a string type array SWList[] and the text is passed as string parameter in the method cleandoc() from the main() */ public class testing {

String SWList[] = {"a","able","about","above","according","accordingly","across","actually","after","afterwards","again","against","all","allow","allows","almost","alone","along","already","also","although","always","am","among","amongst","an","and","another","any","anybody","anyhow","anyone","anything","anyway","anyways","anywhere","apart","appear","appreciate","appropriate","are","around","as","aside","ask","asking","associated","at","available","away","awfully",

public void cleanDoc(String str)
{   //variable declaration
    int nWordLength = 0; //length of every word in stop words list
    int pos=0;           //position of stop word in the main text string
    for(int i = 0; i< SWList.length; i++) 
        nWordLength = SWList[i].length();
        pos = str.indexOf(" "+SWList[i]+" ");//inserting spaces before and after stop word checking
            System.out.println("Stopwrod \t\""+SWList[i]+"\"\t found at position:\t"+ pos);
            str = str.substring(0,pos+1).concat(str.substring(pos+1 +nWordLength));//concatenate string without stop word removal


    System.out.println("The final String is: " +str);//Display the final String after removing stop words


public static void main(String[] args)
    testing cd = new testing();
    cd.cleanDoc(" my name is sash and i like to do good things" );

Use another loop.

Use another loop.

if i use a loop how do i handle the names of files which i statically mentioned in the code.actually i want to pick all the files from a directory one by one..and then apply the processing and finally want to store the contents back to the same files..i have done it for one file but how should i do it for multiple files?

Well open the API docs and look at the File class. There is a method for receiving a list of all items in a directory, you know?

Well open the API docs and look at the File class. There is a method for receiving a list of all items in a directory, you know?

yup i got that...thanks

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