Ok so I'm new at programming java(well not that new) but I do tend to hit a lot of wall and give up out of frustration. I need help. Can anyone suggest a book for beginners or something. I'm actually doing a computing course but I really don't wanna ask for help from some of the guys in my course (they think girls suck at programming). Really wanna prove emm wrong :). Ohh I don't mind tutoring :p thanks

Thanks :), already ordered it.

I have to point out that this book is reference book which servers best for these "versed" in programming and may not be best reference for beginner. You may want to have look at Head First Java or Java - How To Program (Deitel&Deitel)

you can also look for the first post in this java forum, and you'll find there some very good resources. even free books, some really good, as I have heard people say. you should look and see what you like.

Ok thanks guys, will have a look at all you've mentioned. :)

I found an AP Computer Science A book extremely helpful. It takes the stance that you know nothing about programming. I got a 5 on the test so its fairly easy to learn and understand.

I suggest going to your local Barnes & Noble and looking in their reference section at Comp Sci AP books, or your other local book stores/Libraries as they tend to have a selection by multiple publishers with different layouts and so on.

A combination of this forum, a couple of books (I use Sams Teach yourself Java in 21 Days as my reference (don't think you can actually teach yourself Java in 21 days)), and youtube tutorials, like TheNewBostons Java tutorials will suit you well when learning java.

After knowing other programming languages such as Python I learned Java in under 21 days so it is possible :P. I do have to say this forum is probably one of the best resources you can use if you run into any problems.

@sirlink99 if you want to take programming seriously you do not want to use TheNewBostons Java tutorials as resource. I consider to be average quality, or better put nothing special you wouldn't find in any Java book

I actually don't watch TheNewBostons Java tutorials, because I can understand Java. I am suggesting that if anyone just wants to explore Java, or learn some interesting stuff, or try to understand what they are having difficulty with then watch his videos, and maybe he will clarify some things. I am not suggesting to use his videos as a primary source of your learning.

I really don't wanna ask for help from some of the guys in my course (they think girls suck at programming). Really wanna prove emm wrong :). Ohh I don't mind tutoring :p thanks

never be afraid or embarrased to ask help to them, not doing so when you have questions might even slow your learning process and, if you succeed in learning to develop decent code, you 'll still have proven your point.

After knowing other programming languages such as Python I learned Java in under 21 days so it is possible :P. I do have to say this forum is probably one of the best resources you can use if you run into any problems.

considdering the fact you've recommended a starter to immediately start using either NetBeans or Eclipse in another thread, have you really learned a lot of java, or have you just learned to use those IDE's very well?

there's a difference between knowing a programming language very well and using an IDE that has auto-complete functions and "those nice lil' gadgets to make your life so much easier" isn't exactly the same thing.

you can off course learn some basic stuff in 21 days, won't argue with that, but java is a lot broader than just those little applications. unless off course you're saying that you've mastered all the basics, struts, hibernate, ejb, gwt, ... or whatever possibility java holds, within 21 days, in which case I would be really impressed.

@stultuske: I learned Python and Java by examining others code and using the built in IDE that comes with it (at least with Python). So thank you for neither asking nor for truly understanding what an IDE is... IDE = Integrated Development Environment so anything you use to program with from Notepad to yes ECLIPSE.

Unless any of those libraries alter the basic syntax of Java (At which point it is no longer Java) I think I have learned Java. Did I in any way shape or form that I some how mastered Java and its subsequent libraries? Or have encountered them? I'm sure you haven't nor has anyone else.

And if you wish to continue this debate on IDE's or anything else that is unrelated to this original thread please do so in PM's Ezzaral and I got another thread shut down for doing exactly that and this thread unlike the other one is turning out to be constructive so please do not turn this one into your personal battleground against anything and everything you do not understand, have no wish to, or find that it has look at you in a wrong manner.

@Yazz110: Please do not hesitate to ask the men/boys/whomever in your classes for help with programming. As a member of the male gender I would be quite eager to spend time giving a girl that possibly has similar interests (due to the fact that they are programming) advice. All of their nonchalance about not believing a girl could program is either a pretense to fit in or complete and utter stupidity.

Off topic
@Arrorn that was me that shut down your post not Ezzaral and as you will find or already found I deleted another couple of yours plus other participants on off topics rants why yes or not to give code or use IDE. Take it to IT Professionals' Lounge for further discussion or DaniWeb Community Feedback if you not happy with my decision.

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