Any Help will be much appreciated.

i m entering information of each person in Employee Information form and saving it in MS Access database.
Now i want to Show the data of each person Individually and the information of the next person will be shown on the next button click.

to do this what shall i use a crystal report or windows form.

Also i want to know how should i do this.

Thanks & Regard.

u need to ID Column and when u want to see next register You choose a next ID and hence the new record will be selected :) i hope you know how to select if u dont know just write here :)

You can use either crystal report or form.

To display in Vb forms , you need to use Move methods of the ADO.

To display CR , you need to insert page brakes after each record.

You can use either crystal report or form.

To display in Vb forms , you need to use Move methods of the ADO.

To display CR , you need to insert page brakes after each record.

I didn't understand what you want to say,
1)i have my database in ms access.
2)i created form to insert, delete record from it.
3)now i want to show information of each employee by taking data from database separately and on next button the next data will be shown, so i m going to use form.
but how to use it that i m not getting?
can you give me any suggestion or tutorial.

also i dont want to show datagrid view to show the data

To display data from database in the VB forms you need to open recordset and populate the controls.

Try this sample code.

Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim str As String

cn.open "your connectionstring here"
str = "SELECT Field1 FROM Table1"
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.Open str, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
Text1.Text = rs("Field1")

You need to check for BOF and EOF also.

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