hi guys i've got a simple problem with fibonacci sequence.. I use tasm and my processor is amd

and this, so far, is my code:

.model small
org 100h


mov ah, 02h
mov cx, 07h

mov bl, 31h
mov dl, 30h

A:	add bl, dl
int 21h

inc dl
loop A

int 27h


it would just display the ascending order of 0-7 but not the fibonacci..
any help pls.

line 15 suppose to be;

A:    add dl, bl

If you are JUST trying to print 0-7 (as the start), you can remove the add.
Also you only need to increment the value in DL.
I also changed the last interrupt.

; 9-Aug-2011 - THINES01
; Compiled with A86 (http://eji.com/a86/)
; ------------------------------------------------

	mov ah, 02h
	mov cx, 08h	; 0-7 is 8 chars/digits
	mov dl, 30h	; character based zero
	int 21h		; print first char/digit
	inc dl		; 
	loop A		; loop until CX is zero
	int 20h		; drop to dos

If you are JUST trying to print 0-7 (as the start), you can remove the add.
Also you only need to increment the value in DL.
I also changed the last interrupt.

thines01, he is trying to make a Fibonacci sequence something like;
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ...

So I think he should stick to my advice ;)

faroukmuhammad, what happens if you add 31h to 30h?

commented: Now i understand what you mean... +4



addu $sp,$sp,-20
sw $s0,0($sp)
sw $a0,4($sp)
sw $ra,8($sp)
sw $s1,12($sp)
sw $s2,16($sp)

move $s0,$a0

blt $s0,2, end_basecase

subu $a0,$s0,1
jal fibonacci

move $s1,$v0
subu $a0,$s0,2
jal fibonacci
move $s2,$v0
add $v0,$s1,$s2
b end

li $v0,1

lw $s0,0($sp)
lw $a0,4($sp)
lw $ra,8($sp)
lw $s1,12($sp)
lw $s2,16($sp)
addi $sp,$sp,20
jr $ra

la $a0,input_request
li $v0,4

li $v0,5

move $a0,$v0

jal fibonacci

move $t0,$v0

la $a0,result
li $v0, 4
move $a0,$t0
li $v0, 1

li $v0, 10

input_request: .asciiz "Input a number to find its fibonacci number: "
result: .asciiz "The result is \n "

faroukmuhammad, what happens if you add 31h to 30h?

ans: The result is printed.

if the series is; a, a, b, c, d ... then,
"a + a" will give us the next term which is "b", to get the next term (i.e. c) you will have to add the last two terms before it (i.e. a + b). To get "d" its going to be "b + c"...

hi i tried to change it to a: add dl, bl but it won't work

Betty, what compiler are you using?

im using tasm

faroukmuhammad, what happens if you add 31h to 30h?

Now i understand what you mean thines01; if the two ASCII are added the answer will not be an ASCII (61h) for a digit rather it will be some character(a). So, i redesign the whole program in the following attachment as a flowchart.

hi i tried to change the codes to no avail

Would you mind showing us your new code?

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