hello i am beginner to java i wrote a simple program of object array but it is showing run time error

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at classarr.main(classarr.java:14)

class abc{
int i;

class classarr{

public static void main(String arg[])
abc a[]=new abc[4];
int j;


please help me

abc a[]=new abc[4];
creates an array of reference variables that can refer to abc objects, but it doesn't populate those references with anything, so the initial values in that array are like {null, null, null, null}.
You need to create four new abc instances for the four array elements, eg
for(j=0;j<=3;j++) a[j]= new abc();

can you please give me one example.

I did - last line of previous post.

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