I would like to stress that this is for personal practice and nothing school or assignment related.
The question:
Create a function countPages(x) that takes the number of pages of a book as an argument and counts the number of times the digit '1' appears in the page number.
(topic 5 - q 4 at pyschools.com)
My code:
def addNumbers(x):
finalsum = list()
theSum = 0
i = 1
while i <= x:
theSum = theSum + i
i = i + 1
return finalsum
I'm a beginner and I cannot seem to understand the reason of two things:
1) I'm trying to understand how to make it calculate the entire sum and produce one output. for example addnumber(10) = 55. with me it shows all the lists, and even if i do splicing (-1] it doesn't work.
2) why do I recieve a different output when i use "return" and "print" in this function?
could somebody please guide me through understanding this question? these concepts?
Thank you kindly.