Hey guys,
I've been doing python programming as basically my sole programming language for about a year and have learned a lot (obviously still learning more everyday). I do a lot of computational work so I'm forced to do a lot of bash scripting as well, although I have made it a personal goal to try to figure out a way to use python to take care of everything.
To the point: I was wanting to learn a lower level language simply for a better understanding of coding. I hope this isn't taken as one of the completely annoying questions of "which language is better", because I'm asking this question to python programmers for a reason. Would it be better to learn C because Python is written mainly in C? Or Fortran because a lot of scientific and computational programs are written in Fortran? Or C++ because it is object oriented? Or do you guys think that the time learning a lower level language would be better suited learning Python more completely?
Again, I know this is opinion based, but I'm just curious what someone that codes primarily in Python (which I intend to continue to do) would choose if they were me.