Dear friends:
I want to draw the sparse matrix sturucture to a file. The attachment shows an example.
Could you please suggest me some methods to achieve this goal.
Your Sincerely

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Achieve what? An algorithm or how to draw to a file?

i do not know how to write a bmp file using c++.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Never done it per se, but using a library would be the way forward.

Wouldn't be able to recommend the *best* ones because I've never done such a thing in c++. Maybe someone else can point you in the right direction.

Some code I wrote a long time ago do dump my sparse matrix data to a tga so I could analyze it.



if ( (GetKeyState( '0' ) & 0x80)
	WriteMatrixToTGA<DMatrix>(A, "Amat20x20.tga");

template<typename MATRIX> 
inline void WriteMatrixToTGA(const MATRIX& mat, const char* fileName)
	int testSize = mat.GetNumRows();
	unsigned int* image = new unsigned int[ testSize * testSize ];
	memset( image, 0xff, 4 * testSize * testSize );
	for (int rr=0; rr<(int)mat.GetNumRows(); ++rr)
		for (int cc=0; cc<(int)mat.GetNumCols(); ++cc)
				if ( mat.Get(rr,cc) != 0.0f )
					const int index = rr + cc*testSize;
					DBG_ASSERT(index>=0 && index<testSize*testSize);
					image[ index ] = 0xffff0000;

	WriteDataToTGA( fileName, image, testSize, testSize );
	delete[] image;

// Code for writing to a tga

typedef unsigned char  uint08;
typedef unsigned short uint16 ;

// tga header structure.
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _tgaheader
		uint08 idlength;					// Misc header
		uint08 colourmap;
		uint08 imagetype;
		uint16 colourmap_origin;			// Colour map spec
		uint16 colourmap_length;
		uint08 colourmap_type;
		uint16 xorigin;						// Image spec
		uint16 yorigin;
		uint16 width;
		uint16 height;
		uint08 pixelsize;
		uint08 descriptor;
} TGAHeader, *PTGAHeader;
#pragma pack()
void WriteDataToTGA(const char *fileName, const unsigned int* argb, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
	TGAHeader Header = {0,0,2, 0,0,32, 0,0,width,height,32,0x00000008};
	DWORD dwNumWritten = 0;
	WriteFile(TGAoutput, &Header, sizeof(Header), &dwNumWritten, 0);

	unsigned int *fileBuffer = new unsigned int[ width * height ];

	for (unsigned int i=0; i<height; i++)
		for (unsigned int j=0; j<width; j++)
			const int index = j+((width-1-i)*height);
			DBG_ASSERT(index>=0 && index<(int)(width*height));
			fileBuffer[index] = *argb;
		}// End inner loop
	}// End outer loop
	//memcpy( fileBuffer, argb, width * height * 4 );

	dwNumWritten = 0;
	WriteFile(TGAoutput, fileBuffer, width*height*4, &dwNumWritten, 0);
	DBG_ASSERT(dwNumWritten== width*height*4);

	delete[] fileBuffer;

}// End WriteDataToTGA(..)
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