Good Day Everyone..
Table doc1
Reccurence = "Monthly"
DuePatten = "26"
Table doc2
History_ID =
Date_Due =
table doc2, column Date_Due must read the data from ID, Recurrance and Duepattern for generate date_due.
output table doc2 must be generate like per below :
History_ID Date_Due
1 26/1/2011
1 26/2/2011
1 26/3/2011
1 26/4/2011
1 26/5/2011
1 26/6/2011
1 26/7/2011
1 '
1 '
1 '
1 '
1 26/12/2011
i tried few ways but still not able to find the correct way.
Please advice.
thanks and regards