Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
txtcode.Text = ""
txtdescr.Text = ""
txtumsr.Text = ""
txtqtyh.Text = ""
txtuprice.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim itemcode As String * 10
Dim descr As String * 10
Dim umsr As String * 10
Dim qtyh As Integer
Dim uprice As Currency
Dim umsr1 As String
Dim umsr2 As String
Dim umsr3 As String
Dim umsr4 As String
itemnum = FreeFile()
Open "C:\Users\wendell\Documents\visual basic Forms\item.txt" For Append As #itemnum
Write #itemnum, itemcode, descr, umsr, qtyh, uprice
umsr1 = "pcs"
umsr2 = "box"
umsr3 = "gal"
umsr4 = "pad"
'first trapping
If (Len(Trim(txtcode.Text)) = 0) Or (Len(Trim(txtdescr.Text)) = 0) Or (Len(Trim(txtumsr.Text)) = 0) Or (Len(Trim(txtqtyh.Text)) = 0) Or (Len(Trim(txtuprice.Text)) = 0) Then
MsgBox ("Fill up all the requirments before saving the file...!!")
Exit Sub
End If
'trapping for item code
If Trim(txtcode.Text) > "A" Then
If Len(Trim(txtcode.Text)) <= 5 Then
itemcode = Trim(txtcode.Text)
MsgBox ("Inputs for item code must be not more than 5 characters..!!")
End If
MsgBox ("First inputs for item code must be a letter..!!")
End If
'trapping for description
If Len(txtdescr.Text) <= 40 Then
descr = Trim(txtdescr.Text)
MsgBox ("Description must not be more than 40 characters..!!")
End If
'trapping for unit of meaaure
If Len(txtumsr.Text) <= 6 Then
umsr = Trim(txtumsr.Text)
MsgBox ("Unit of measure must not be more than 6 character..!!!")
End If
If (txtumsr.Text = umsr1) Or (txtumsr.Text = umsr2) Or (txtumsr.Text = umsr3) Or (txtumsr.Text = umsr4) Then
If Trim(txtumsr.Text) = umsr1 Then
umsr = umsr1
If Trim(txtumsr.Text) = umsr2 Then
umsr = umsr2
If Trim(txtumsr.Text) = umsr3 Then
umsr = umsr3
If Trim(txtumsr.Text) = umsr4 Then
umsr = umsr4
End If
End If
End If
End If
MsgBox ("Measure not found")
End If
' trapping for quantity on hand
If IsNumeric(txtqtyh.Text) Then
txtqtyh.Text = txtqtyh.Text
MsgBox ("Quantity of hand only accept integer")
End If
If (Trim(txtqtyh.Text) Like "*[!0-9]*") Then
MsgBox ("Quantity on hand don't accept decimal")
End If
Exit Sub
'trapping for unit of price
If IsNumeric(txtuprice.Text) Then
txtuprice.Text = txtuprice.Text
MsgBox ("Unit of price only accept numbers..!!")
End If
Close #itemnum
End Sub
'this my form 1
Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()
Dim itemcode As String * 10
Dim descr As String * 10
Dim umsr As String * 10
Dim qtyh As Integer
Dim uprice As Currency
Dim umsr1 As String
Dim umsr2 As String
Dim umsr3 As String
Dim umsr4 As String
itemnum = FreeFile()
grd.Cols = 5
grd.Rows = 2
grd.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "Item Code"
grd.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "Description"
grd.TextMatrix(0, 2) = "UMSR"
grd.TextMatrix(0, 3) = "Price"
grd.TextMatrix(0, 4) = "QTYH"
Open "C:\Users\wendell\Documents\visual basic Forms\item.txt" For Input As #itemnum
Do Until EOF(itemnum)
Input #itemnum, itemcode, descr, umsr, qtyh, uprice
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 0) = itemcode
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 1) = descr
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 2) = umsr
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 3) = qtyh
grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 4) = uprice
grd.Rows = grd.Rows + 1
Close #itemnum
'this my form2
End Sub
can someone help me figure this out..what wrong of my program is doesn't display all in the there something wrong with my write and input code..