Having some issues figuring out how to code my add, modify, search, delete, and save buttons in my program. The buttons need to also adjust the size of the array once I add or delete the an item. Any help would be great. I may be going about this the wrong way entirely but I am very new to Java. These buttons start with line 498

Thank you

package guiinventoryprogram;

/** Program: Inventory Program
 *  File: InventoryProgram.java
 *  Summary: Inventory program that gives the name of the movie, the quanity in stock, the price, and the item number
 *  Author: 
 *  Date: August, 14 2011

import java.awt.GridLayout;       // required to create a grid layout

import java.awt.BorderLayout;     // required to create a border layout

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; // required for click events

import java.awt.event.ActionListener; // required for click events

import javax.swing.JPanel;  // required to create panels

import javax.swing.JFrame;  // required to use the frame

import javax.swing.JButton;  // required to create buttons

import javax.swing.JLabel;  // required to create text fields

import javax.swing.JTextField; // required to create text fields

import java.util.Arrays;  // required to sort array

import java.text.DecimalFormat; // required to display numbers in correct format

import javax.swing.ImageIcon;  // required to display image

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;  // required to use message dialog box

public class GUIInventoryProgram extends JFrame implements ActionListener
// declare class variables

      // Declare Class Variables      

      //Declare two panels. gridPanel is main panel. panel is inserted into gridPanel.

      private JPanel gridPanel = new JPanel(); // one panel that contains my gridlayout.

      private JPanel panel = new JPanel(); // panel used to contain buttons, labels and text fields

      // Declare buttons

      JButton firstButton; // first button

      JButton nextButton; // next button

      JButton previousButton; // previous button

      JButton lastButton; // last button
      JButton addButton;  // add button

      JButton deleteButton;  // delete button

      JButton modifyButton;  // modify button

      JButton saveButton;  // save button

      JButton searchButton;  // search button

      // Declare Text Fields

      JTextField TitleField; // Dvd Title

      JTextField UnitsField; // Units Field

      JTextField ItemNumberField; // Item Number field

      JTextField PriceField; // Dvd Price field

      JTextField ValueField;  // Value field
      JTextField DirectorField; // Director field

      // Declare Labels

      JLabel lblTitle; // Title label

      JLabel lblUnits; // Units Label

      JLabel lblItemNumber; // Item Number label

      JLabel lblPrice; // Price Label

      JLabel lblValue;  // Value of DVDs Label
      JLabel lblDirector; //Director Label

      // Declare 5 Dvd Objecs

      Dvd dvd1;

      Dvd dvd2;

      Dvd dvd3;

      Dvd dvd4;

      Dvd dvd5;
      private static final int MAX_dvds = 5; // set maximum size for DVD Array

      Dvd[] dvd = new Dvd[MAX_dvds]; // create Dvd Array object
      DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("$##,###.00"); // to display correct decimal format
      private static DecimalFormat currency = new DecimalFormat("$#,##0.00"); // to display currency

      private static int ArrayIndex = 0; // array index

      public GUIInventoryProgram() // constructor


        MovieDirector d1 = new MovieDirector("Transformers", 7, 1002, 19.98, "Michael Bay");
        // Creates an instance of the DVD class and initialize class instance variables
        MovieDirector d2 = new MovieDirector("Green Mile", 3, 542, 14.50, "Frank Darabont");
        // Creates an instance of the DVD class and initialize class instance variables
        MovieDirector d3 = new MovieDirector("Lord of the Rings", 5, 937, 24.98, "Peter Jackson");
        // Creates an instance of the DVD class and initialize class instance variables
        MovieDirector d4 = new MovieDirector("Jar Head", 2, 865, 9.75, "Sam Mendes");
        // Creates an instance of the DVD class and initialize class instance variables
        MovieDirector d5 = new MovieDirector("Inception", 6, 1157, 21.97, "Christopher Nolan");
        // Creates an instance of the DVD class and initialize class instance variables

        // adding Dvd objects to the array
        dvd[0] = d1; // adding Transformers to the array of dvds
        dvd[1] = d2; // adding Green Mile to the array of dvds 
        dvd[2] = d3; // adding Lord of the Rings to the array of dvds
        dvd[3] = d4; // adding Jar Head to the array of dvds
        dvd[4] = d5; // adding Inception to the array of dvds

            gridPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // create a border layout

            gridPanel.add(this.createLabelPanel(), BorderLayout.WEST); // add label panel

            gridPanel.add(this.createTextPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER); // add field panel

            gridPanel.add(this.createButtonPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); // add button panel


      // helper method creates a panel for the button 

      private JPanel createButtonPanel()


           // ActionListener btnListen = new ButtonListener(); // create listener

             // create button objects

            firstButton = new JButton("First"); // create button object

            firstButton.setActionCommand("First"); // add actionCommand

            firstButton.addActionListener(this); // add Listener command
            nextButton = new JButton("Next"); // create button object

            nextButton.setActionCommand("Next"); // add actionCommand

            nextButton.addActionListener(this); // add Listener command
            previousButton = new JButton("Previous"); // create button object

            previousButton.setActionCommand("Previous"); // add actionCommand

            previousButton.addActionListener(this); // add Listener command
            lastButton = new JButton("Last"); // create button object

            lastButton.setActionCommand("Last"); // add actionCommand

            lastButton.addActionListener(this); // add Listener command
            addButton = new JButton("Add"); // create button object

            addButton.setActionCommand("Add"); // add actionCommand

            addButton.addActionListener(this); // add Listener command


            deleteButton = new JButton("Delete"); // create button object

            deleteButton.setActionCommand("Delete"); // add actionCommand

            deleteButton.addActionListener(this); // add Listener command


            modifyButton = new JButton("Modify"); // create button object

            modifyButton.setActionCommand("Modify"); // add actionCommand

            modifyButton.addActionListener(this); // add Listener command


            saveButton = new JButton("Save"); // create button object

            saveButton.setActionCommand("Save"); // add actionCommand

            saveButton.addActionListener(this); // add Listener command


            searchButton = new JButton("Search"); // create button object

            searchButton.setActionCommand("Search"); // add actionCommand

            searchButton.addActionListener(this); // add Listener command

            // create panel object

            JPanel panel = new JPanel();


            panel.add(firstButton); // add firt button to panel

            panel.add(nextButton); // add next button to panel

            panel.add(previousButton); // add previous button to panel

            panel.add(lastButton); // add last button to panel
            panel.add(addButton);      // add the add button to panel

            panel.add(deleteButton);   // add delete button to panel

            panel.add(modifyButton);   // add modify button to panel

            panel.add(saveButton);   // add save button to panel

            panel.add(searchButton);   // add search button to panel
            return panel; // return panel

      } // end createButtonPanel method

      private JPanel createLabelPanel()


            // create instance of label objects
            ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("/Users/garvishopwood/NetBeansProjects/GUIInventoryProgram/src/home.jpg");   // load the image file
            JLabel lblLogo = new JLabel(icon); // add the image to the label

            lblTitle = new JLabel("Title:"); // label for Title of DVD

            lblUnits = new JLabel("Units:"); // label for Units in stock for DVD

            lblItemNumber = new JLabel("Item Number:"); // label for DVD Item Number

            lblPrice = new JLabel("Price:"); // label for price of DVD

            lblValue = new JLabel("Value of Items:"); // label for value of DVD
            lblDirector = new JLabel ("Directors Name:"); // label for Director of DVD
            // create panel object
            panel = new JPanel();

            panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(10, 1));

            // add labels to the panel






            return panel;

      } // end createLabelPanel method

      private JPanel createTextPanel()


            //create instances of text box objects
            JLabel lblCompanyName = new JLabel("      DVD Blowout"); // Label for company name

            TitleField = new JTextField(); // Title text field

            TitleField.setEditable(true);  // set field to editable so fields can be added and modified

            UnitsField = new JTextField(); // Units text field

            UnitsField.setEditable(true);  // set field to editable so fields can be added and modified

            ItemNumberField = new JTextField(); // Item Number field

            ItemNumberField.setEditable(true);  // set field to editable so fields can be added and modified

            PriceField = new JTextField();   // Price text field

            PriceField.setEditable(true);   // set field to editable so fields can be added and modified

            ValueField = new JTextField();    // Value text field to sum the total of the DVDs value.

            ValueField.setEditable(false);   // set field to not editable to prevent user from changing the data
            DirectorField = new JTextField(); // Director text field 
            DirectorField.setEditable(true); // set field to editable so fields can be added and modified

            panel = new JPanel(); // create panel object

            panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(10, 1)); // create grid layout for fields.
            panel.add(lblCompanyName);   // logo field

            panel.add(TitleField); // add the Title field to the grid layout

            panel.add(UnitsField); // add the Units field to the grid layout

            panel.add(ItemNumberField); // add the Item Number field to the grid layout

            panel.add(PriceField); // add the Price field to the grid layout

            panel.add(ValueField); // add the total value field to the grid layout
            panel.add(DirectorField); // add the director field to the grid layout

            return panel; // return the panel

      } // end createTextPanel method

            @ Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


                Files outputFile = new Files();  // instantiate the Files class
                Dvd.sortByTitle(dvd);  // sort the array by name of title
                  // add button functions

                        if (e.getActionCommand() == "First") // if First button is clicked                    
                        ArrayIndex = 0; 


                              TitleField.setText(dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdTitle()); // get the Dvds title

                              // and assign it the name text field.

                              // get the units in stock and assign it the Units text field.


                              // get Dvds item number and assign it the item number text field.                              
                              PriceField.setText(String.format("$ %8.2f", dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdPrice()));

                              // get the Price of the DVD and assign it the price text field.

                              ValueField.setText(String.format("$ %8.2f", dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdValue() + dvd[ArrayIndex].getdvdRestockingfee()));  
                              // display the sum of the total of the DVDs in stock
                              // display the Directors name of the DVD


                        } // end if
                        if (e.getActionCommand() == "Next") // if Next button is clicked

                        if (ArrayIndex < dvd.length) 


                              TitleField.setText(dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdTitle()); // get the Dvds title

                              // and assign it the name text field.

                              // get the units in stock and assign it the Units text field.


                              // get Dvds item number and assign it the item number text field.                              
                              PriceField.setText(String.format("$ %8.2f", dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdPrice()));

                              // get the Price of the DVD and assign it the price text field.

                              ValueField.setText(String.format("$ %8.2f", dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdValue() + dvd[ArrayIndex].getdvdRestockingfee()));  
                              // display the sum of the total of the DVDs in stock
                              // display the Directors name of the DVD

                              ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex + 1; // increment the array index to get to the next value

                        } // end if
                        if (e.getActionCommand() == "Previous") // if Previous button is clicked

                        if (ArrayIndex < dvd.length) 


                              TitleField.setText(dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdTitle()); // get the Dvds title

                              // and assign it the name text field.

                              // get the units in stock and assign it the Units text field.


                              // get Dvds item number and assign it the item number text field.                              
                              PriceField.setText(String.format("$ %8.2f", dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdPrice()));

                              // get the Price of the DVD and assign it the price text field.

                              ValueField.setText(String.format("$ %8.2f", dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdValue() + dvd[ArrayIndex].getdvdRestockingfee()));  
                              // display the sum of the total of the DVDs in stock
                              // display the Directors name of the DVD

                              ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex - 1; // increment the array index to get to the previous value

                        } // end if
                        if (e.getActionCommand() == "Last") // if Last button is clicked
                        ArrayIndex = (dvd.length - 1); 


                              TitleField.setText(dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdTitle()); // get the Dvds title

                              // and assign it the name text field.

                              // get the units in stock and assign it the Units text field.


                              // get Dvds item number and assign it the item number text field.                              
                              PriceField.setText(String.format("$ %8.2f", dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdPrice()));

                              // get the Price of the DVD and assign it the price text field.

                              ValueField.setText(String.format("$ %8.2f", dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdValue() + dvd[ArrayIndex].getdvdRestockingfee()));  
                              // display the sum of the total of the DVDs in stock
                              // display the Directors name of the DVD
                        if (e.getActionCommand() == "Add") // if Add button is clicked

				String dvdTitle = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter the dvd's name");
				int dvdUnits = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter the units in stock"));
                                Double dvdItemNumber = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter the Item number for the DVD"));
				double dvdPrice = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter the price of each item"));
				String dvdDirector = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter the director");

				// make the object
				MovieDirector Dvd = new MovieDirector(Title, Units, Item Number, Price, Director);

				// put it in the inv, at the very end
                                dvd[ArrayIndex].setDvdUnits(UnitsField.getText());// get the value from the text field and assign it to the array.



                  if (e.getActionCommand() == "Delete") // if Delete button is clicked


                        // code here



                  if (e.getActionCommand() == "Modify") // if Modify button is clicked

                        MovieDirector Dvd = inv.get(view);

				Dvd.setDvdTitle(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter new item name",dvd.getDvdTitle()));
				Dvd.setDvdUnits(Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter new units in stock",dvd.getDvdUnits())));
                                Dvd.setDvdItemNumber(Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter new item number",dvd.getDvdItemNumber())));
				Dvd.setDvdPrice(Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter new price of each item",dvd.getDvdPrice())));
				if (dvd instanceof MovieDirector) 
                            JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter new director",((MovieDirector)dvd).getdvdDirector()));



                  if (e.getActionCommand() == "Search") // if Search button is clicked


   				String str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Enter the name to search for");
				int result = inv.search(str);
				if (result == -1) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(GUIInventoryProgram.this,"Not found"); // do nothing
				else { // show the item
					view = result;




                  if (e.getActionCommand() == "Save") // if Save button is clicked





                             outputFile.appendToFile(", ");


                             outputFile.appendToFile(", ");


                             outputFile.appendToFile(", ");

                             outputFile.appendToFile(String.format("$ %8.2f", dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdPrice()));

                             outputFile.appendToFile(", ");
                             outputFile.appendToFile(String.format("$ %8.2f", dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdValue() + dvd[ArrayIndex].getdvdRestockingfee()));

                             outputFile.appendToFile(", ");

                             outputFile.appendToFile(", ");

                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, dvd[ArrayIndex].getDvdTitle() + " has been saved to the file.");  // message indicating the file has been saved



                        catch (Exception ex)


                        {//Catch exception if any


                              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error: " + ex.getMessage());  // catch errors that can occur



                        } // end if

            } // end actionPerformed

    public static void main(String[] args)


            JFrame frame = new GUIInventoryProgram(); // creat a frame object

            frame.setSize(800, 400); // set the size of the window - 400 is width, 400 is height

            frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // close the application

            frame.setTitle("DVD Inventory"); // set the title of the window

            frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );  // center the form

            frame.setVisible(true); // display form

      } // end main


} // end GUIInventoryProgram class
package guiinventoryprogram;

class Dvd {
    // declare instance variables
    private String dvdTitle; //title of dvd
    private int dvdUnits; // number of units of the dvd
    private double dvdItemNumber; // item number of the dvd
    private double dvdPrice; // Price of the dvd
    private String dvdDirector; // Director of the DVD
    public Dvd()
    //declare DVD constructor that shows title, stock, item, and price
    public Dvd(String Title, int Units, double ItemNumber, double Price, String Director) {
    //call to Object constructor occurs here
        dvdTitle = Title;
        dvdUnits = Units;
        dvdItemNumber = ItemNumber;
        dvdPrice = Price;
        dvdDirector = Director;
    } //end five-argument constructor
    //set DVD name
    public void setdvdTitle(String Title) {
    } //end method setDvdTitle

    //return dvd Title
    public String getDvdTitle() {
    return dvdTitle;
    } //end method getDvdTitle

    //set Dvd stock
    public void setDvdUnits(int Units) {
    dvdUnits = (Units < 0) ? 0 : Units;
    } //end method setDvdStock

    //return dvd stock
    public double getDvdUnits() {
    return dvdUnits;
    } //end method getDvdStock

    public void setDvdItemNumber(int ItemNumber) {
    dvdItemNumber = (ItemNumber < 0.0) ? 0.0 : ItemNumber;
    } //end method set dvd Item

    //return dvd item
    public double getDvdItemNumber() {
    return dvdItemNumber;
    } //end method getDvdItem

    public void setDvdPrice(double Price) {
    dvdPrice = (Price < 0.0) ? 0.0 : Price;
    } //end method SetDvdPrice

    //return dvd price
    public double getDvdPrice() {
    return dvdPrice;
    } //end method get Dvd Price

    // calculate inventory value
    public double getDvdValue() {
    return  getDvdPrice() * dvdUnits;
    } //end method value
    // calulate restocking fee    
    public double getdvdRestockingfee() {
    return getDvdValue() * .05;
    //set dvdDirector
    public void setdvdDirector(String Director) {
    } //end method setdvd Director

    //return dvd Director
    public String getdvdDirector() {
    return dvdDirector;
    } //end method getDvd director

        public static void sortByTitle(Dvd dvd[])
    {    // sort the dvd by title
        Dvd temp;
        for(double j = dvd.length - 2; j >= 0; j--)
                for(int i = 0 ; i <= j ; i++)
                    if(dvd [ i ].getDvdTitle().compareTo(dvd[ i + 1 ].getDvdTitle())>0)
                    temp=dvd[ i ];
                    dvd[ i ] = dvd[ i + 1 ];
                    dvd[ i + 1 ] = temp;

                } // end sort by title method

} // end class dvd
package guiinventoryprogram;

class MovieDirector extends Dvd{
    //declare instance variables
    private String dvdDirector;
    private double  Restockingfee;
    // declare MovieDirector constructor which adds int the director
    public MovieDirector(String Title, int Units, int ItemNumber, double Price, String Director)
        super(Title, Units, ItemNumber, Price, Director);
        this.dvdDirector = Director;
        this.Restockingfee = Restockingfee;
        // gets the directors name
        public String getDirector() {
        return dvdDirector;
        // returns directors name
        public void setDirector(String Director) {
        this.dvdDirector = Director;
        // calculates restocking fee
        public double getRestockingfee() {
        return getDvdValue() * 0.05;
        // adds in restocking fee
        public void setRestockingfee (double Restockingfee){
        this.Restockingfee = Restockingfee;
import java.io.*;  // import Java class library required to work with files.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;  // import JOptionPane required to use message dialog box.


public class Files

{      // create a file

      public void createFile()throws IOException


            File dataFile;  // declare file

            dataFile = new File("c:\\outputFile.dat");  // create instance of new file

            if (!dataFile.exists())

            {  // if file does not exist

                  dataFile.createNewFile();  // create the file

                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "New file \"c:\\outputFile.dat\" has been created to the c directory.");




                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The specified file already exists.");


      }  // end Create File



      public void appendToFile(String inData)




                  FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("c:\\outputFile.dat", true);  // create file if it does not exist and append data.  If the file exists, append data

                  BufferedWriter outputFile = new BufferedWriter(fstream);  // declare output file

                  outputFile.write(inData);  // append  text to output file


                  //Close the output stream

                  outputFile.close();  // close the file

            } // end try

            catch (Exception e)

            {//Catch exception if any

                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error: " + e.getMessage());  // catch errors that can occur

            } // end catch


}  // end class Files

Can you reduce the size of your program or create a small program that will demonstrate your problem. Your posted code is TOO big.

how to code my add, modify, search, delete, and save buttons in my program. The buttons need to also adjust the size of the array once I add or delete the an item

Write a program that has only these features: a GUI with the buttons and an array that you want to manipulate based on the button presses.

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