Hi All
I have a simple quick question: does anyone have any recommendations on a graphing with C? I've done some graphing in the past with Python using Matplotlib and rather than re-invent the wheel I was hoping that someone might be able to point me in the right direction for graphing header files.
Please don't read this as a request for an explanation or tutorial, but if anyone knows of a good way to achieve this I'd be greatful. I'm really just looking for a starting point for futher investigation.
Ideally I'd like to produce graphs (line graphs in particular, but having the option for pie, bar and area graphs would also be useful) in a PNG or JPEG format.
I've heard that MATLAB is good from what I've Googled, but if anyone has some experience with Graphing with C I'd love to hear the "good bad and ugly" :)
Thanks for reading this post!
/* Simplified */