Interesting tricky program using C & C++:
Program 1:
Create a Program which produce output "Hello World" , the program must not contains semicolon ; in other word any statement of the program will not have a termination semicolon.
Program 2:
Write a C or C++ program which run without main() function or in other word we can say the function should not have any function named main().
Program 3:
Write a C program which takes one integer number from user and then checks whether number is Even or Odd without using Modulus (%) and Division (/) operator.
Program 4:
C program which creates numeric array num and print its value like 1[num], 2[num], 3[num]…n[num] check will it run.
First try to implement all program your self if you can't success the go to below link to see the solution of all above program.
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