Hey , yeah. I was wondering if it is possible to hide all desktop icons EXCEPT my application's shortcut ?

If it is possible, please tell me how .
It is the best if you can provide the code for me.
As im a very noob in coding cause im only 13 and started learning basic vb.net codes from the internet . So yeah.
Great help will be appreciated.

Thankyou in advance (:

Hey , yeah. I was wondering if it is possible to hide all desktop icons EXCEPT my application's shortcut ?

If it is possible, please tell me how .
It is the best if you can provide the code for me.
As im a very noob in coding cause im only 13 and started learning basic vb.net codes from the internet . So yeah.
Great help will be appreciated.

Thankyou in advance (:

it is possible.
first,take a object of form in which you want to display your application
see the name of icons you want to hide
then code like:

Dim frmobj As New MDIParent1
frmobj.AddNewUserToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False
frmobj.StaffToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False
frmobj.OtherToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = False

frmobj is the object of mdiparent1

Ohh . Thank you . but i need more help on other things , i'll post a new thread .

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