Reading Material Purchasing System
the program have a book sales
User will select the type of book they want to buy such as Fiction,

Fiction Non-Fiction
------- -------------
////////....$ /////////////.......$
///////......$ ///////////////....$
///////.....$ //////////....$

at the end (print out)
list down the book they buy
Total of all the book with it price
#include <iostream.h>

class Purchase{
int type;
int sum;
char name[][50];
char choose[][50];

Purchase(int =0);
void setData(int =0);
void select();
void calculate();
void print();

Purchase::Purchase(int t)
char name[20][50]={ "A Begineer's Guide, McGraw-Hill/Osborne 2002", "RM57.60",
"Programming in C++, McGraw-Hill, 2003", "RM68.40",
"Schaum's Programming with C++, McGraw Hill, 2000", "RM64.80",
"C++ How to Program, Prentice Hall, 4th Edition (2003)","RM66.60",
"Logic and Computer Design Fundamental, Mano,2000", "RM70.40",
"Computer System Architecture, Hamacher,2002", "RM66.60",
"Understanding Operating System ,Ida M Flynn,2001", "RM46.80",
"Pengenalan Kepada Sistem Komputer,Mc-Graw-Hill,2002", "RM12.60",
"Titas1,Penerbit UM,K.L.2001", "RM32.50"
"Human right and new world order, Penang 1993", "RM45.00"}
void Purchase::setData(int t)
char name[20][50]={ "A Begineer's Guide, McGraw-Hill/Osborne 2002", "RM57.60",
"Programming in C++, McGraw-Hill, 2003", "RM68.40",
"Schaum's Programming with C++, McGraw Hill, 2000", "RM64.80",
"C++ How to Program, Prentice Hall, 4th Edition (2003)","RM66.60",
"Logic and Computer Design Fundamental, Mano,2000", "RM70.40",
"Computer System Architecture, Hamacher,2002", "RM66.60",
"Understanding Operating System ,Ida M Flynn,2001", "RM46.80",
"Pengenalan Kepada Sistem Komputer,Mc-Graw-Hill,2002", "RM12.60",
"Titas1,Penerbit UM,K.L.2001", "RM32.50"
"Human right and new world order, Penang 1993", "RM45.00"}
void Purchase::select()
cout<<"Select the book(s):\n"
<<"\t1.A Begineer's Guide, McGraw-Hill/Osborne 2002\tRM57.60\n"
<<"\t2.Programming in C++, McGraw-Hill, 2003\tRM68.40\n"
<<"\t3.Schaum's Programming with C++, McGraw Hill, 2000\tRM64.80\n"
<<"\t4.C++ How to Program, Prentice Hall, 4th Edition (2003)\tRM66.60\n";
else if(type==2)
cout<<"Select the book(s):\n"
<<"\t1.Logic and Computer Design Fundamental, Mano,2000\tRM70.40\n"
<<"\t2.Computer System Architecture, Hamacher,2002\tRM66.60\n";
else if(type==3)
cout<<"Select the book(s):\n"
<<"1.Understanding Operating System ,Ida M Flynn,2001\tRM46.80\n"
<<"2.Pengenalan Kepada Sistem Komputer,Mc-Graw-Hill,2002\tRM12.60\n";
else if(type==4)
cout<<"Select the book(s):\n"
<<"1.Titas1,Penerbit UM,K.L.2001\tRM32.50\n"
<<"2.Human right and new world order, Penang 1993\tRM45.00\n";

void Purchase::calculate()

void main()
Purchase obj;
cout<<"Type of Book:\n"
<<"\t2.System & Architecture\n"
<<"\t3.Operating System\n"
RM mean Malaysian Dollar
This program is still in process
I need Your help
Helppp........... :confused:

What specifically do you need help with?

I am getting an apache server DoS attach everytime i open this post so beware. IT is only this post not the forum

What specifically do you need help with?

Type of book there:
When the user key in number

Type of Book
user input 1.
go to 1.
No. List of Book
1. C++ Beginner Guide................RM64.20
2. C++ Make Live Easy...............RM70.00
3. C++ is not Hard.....................RM45.00
user input 1.
comfirm he/she want to buy the book
Do you want to buy the book?
ask the user want buy some more Programming book or not
Do you want to buy Programming Book(S) some more?
No. List of Book
1. C++ Beginner Guide................RM64.20
2. C++ Make Live Easy...............RM70.00
3. C++ is not Hard.....................RM45.00

(repeat same process)
if no
ask the user want to buy other book?
like Other book
if yes
Go back the general list ie.
Type of Book
Ask the user to enter example 2.
The no 2 book is listed out.....
(repeat like the programming process)

At the end if the user really confirm and want to end the service

a list of book will prompt out(that the user buy)
with price and Total have to pay:

When print out the list of the book that are selected by user(with price)
Just like this:

No Books RM
1 System and Architecture..........RM50.00
2. Operating System...................RM46.50
3. Titas2...................................RM40.00
Thank you.
Can you edit my source code?
Can you give me some example (that help me in doing this program), or other idea to solve it? ;)
Thank you

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