Hi guys, I have already posted a thread regarding this but no one has ever shed a light upon it. I want a program that searches for files (.docx, exe, ppt, txt) from all folders. Is this possible i the first place? If yes, then how?
markdean.expres 0 Junior Poster
Teme64 215 Veteran Poster
Is this possible i the first place?
Yes it is.
If yes, then how?
Here's a subroutine from my crapbox. The extra features you'll get are: restrict files with file creation date and/or with file size. I was too lazy to take those off, but you can do it by yourself :)
' File information
Public Const TOOL_DIR_NAMEONLY As Integer = 0
Public Const TOOL_DIR_SIZE As Integer = 1
Public Const TOOL_DIR_MODIFIED As Integer = 2
Public Const TOOL_DIR_FULLPATH As Integer = 4
Public Const TOOL_DIR_DIRECTORIES_ONLY As Integer = 8
Public Const TOOL_DIR_ALL As Integer = 15
''' <summary>
''' Searches for files that match ány of the file masks in the FileMask array
''' </summary>
''' <param name="RootPath">Path to start search from</param>
''' <param name="FileMask">An array of filemasks</param>
''' <param name="FileNames">Returns matching files</param>
''' <param name="RecurseDirs">Recurse subdirectories too</param>
''' <param name="ExcludeRootPath">Strip start path away from the file names</param>
''' <param name="MinDate">Search files newer than MinDate</param>
''' <param name="MaxDate">Search files older than MaxDate</param>
''' <param name="MinSize">Search files larger than MinSize</param>
''' <param name="MaxSize">Search files smaller than MaxSize</param>
''' <param name="FileInfo">Optional parameter which tells if some extra info should be returned with the filenames. Use constant values above.</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub ToolDir(ByVal RootPath As String, ByVal FileMask() As String, _
ByRef FileNames() As String, _
ByVal RecurseDirs As Boolean, _
ByVal ExcludeRootPath As Boolean, _
ByVal MinDate As Date, ByVal MaxDate As Date, _
ByVal MinSize As Integer, ByVal MaxSize As Integer, _
Optional ByVal FileInfo As Integer = TOOL_DIR_NAMEONLY)
' Return files
Dim DirInfo As DirectoryInfo
Dim Files() As FileInfo
Dim OneFile As FileInfo
Dim TempDrive As String
Dim TempPath As String
Dim TempFile As String
Dim TempExt As String
Dim CheckMinDate As Boolean
Dim CheckMaxDate As Boolean
Dim CheckMinSize As Boolean
Dim CheckMaxSize As Boolean
Dim AcceptFile As Boolean
Dim RootPathLength As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
If MinDate <> CDate("1.1.1970") Then
CheckMinDate = True
CheckMinDate = False
End If
If MaxDate <> CDate("1.1.1970") Then
CheckMaxDate = True
CheckMaxDate = False
End If
If MinSize > 0 Then
CheckMinSize = True
CheckMinSize = False
End If
If MaxSize > 0 Then
CheckMaxSize = True
CheckMaxSize = False
End If
If FileMask.GetUpperBound(0) < 0 Then
ReDim FileMask(0)
FileMask(0) = "*.*"
End If
i = 0
TempDrive = ""
TempPath = ""
TempFile = ""
TempExt = ""
RootPathLength = RootPath.Length + 1
For j = 0 To FileMask.GetUpperBound(0)
ReDim Files(0)
If RecurseDirs Then
DirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(RootPath)
Files = DirInfo.GetFiles(FileMask(j), IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
DirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(RootPath)
Files = DirInfo.GetFiles(FileMask(j), IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
End If
For Each OneFile In Files
AcceptFile = True
If CheckMinDate Then
If OneFile.LastAccessTime.Date.Subtract(MinDate).Days < 0 Then
AcceptFile = False
End If
End If
If CheckMaxDate Then
If OneFile.LastAccessTime.Date.Subtract(MaxDate).Days > 0 Then
AcceptFile = False
End If
End If
If CheckMinSize Then
If OneFile.Length < MinSize * 1024 Then
AcceptFile = False
End If
End If
If CheckMaxSize Then
If OneFile.Length > MaxSize * 1024 Then
AcceptFile = False
End If
End If
If AcceptFile Then
ReDim Preserve FileNames(i)
If ExcludeRootPath Then
FileNames(i) = OneFile.FullName.Substring( _
RootPathLength, OneFile.FullName.Length - RootPathLength)
FileNames(i) = OneFile.FullName
End If
FileNames(i) = OneFile.Name
End If
FileNames(i) = FileNames(i) & Convert.ToChar(9) & OneFile.Length
End If
FileNames(i) = FileNames(i) & Convert.ToChar(9) & OneFile.LastAccessTime
End If
i += 1
End If
Next j
Catch ex As Exception
' Some error
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim FileNames(0) As String
' Search for all png-files under C:\Temp folder
ToolDir("C:\Temp\", New String() {"*.png"}, FileNames, True, False, CDate("1.1.1970"), CDate("1.1.1970"), 0, 0)
For Each fn As String In FileNames
End Sub
At the end is an example how to call this sub.

Another non-recursive version with less options.
Uses linq to get the files with the passed in extensions. Button_Click sub shows how to call it. Get files takes a paramarray fileExtensions paramater. Pass in all the extensions to check.
DirectoryInfo.GetFiles has a search all directories option which will do the same thing. However, if access is denied it will throw an exception and you will get nothing. This catches the exception and keeps going. So you will get all files that you have access to.
I usually validate things before processing them but I found that it was faster to just catch the access violation error instead of checking for it.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim FileNames As List(Of String) = GetFiles("c:\", ".docx", ".exe", ".txt")
End Sub
Private Function GetFiles(ByVal rootDirectory As String, ByVal ParamArray fileExtensions As String()) As List(Of String)
'validate root directory exists
Dim DirectoryStack As New Stack(Of String)
Dim DirectoryInfo As IO.DirectoryInfo
Dim FoundFiles As New List(Of String)
Dim CurrentDirectory As String
Do While DirectoryStack.Count > 0
CurrentDirectory = DirectoryStack.Pop
For Each SubDirectory As String In IO.Directory.GetDirectories(CurrentDirectory)
DirectoryInfo = New IO.DirectoryInfo(CurrentDirectory)
'Calling GetFiles which will return all files in the
'directory. The Linq Where extension will only return
'the files with the extensions passed in.
'The Linq Select extension will only select the name
'of the file instead of the entirer fileinfo object.
FoundFiles.AddRange(DirectoryInfo.GetFiles.Where(Function(fileInfo) fileExtensions.Contains(fileInfo.Extension)).Select(Function(fileName) fileName.FullName).ToArray)
Catch 'Access violation
End Try
Return FoundFiles
End Function
markdean.expres 0 Junior Poster
Guys I'm overwhelmed of this code you have given to me. Is there no other simpler codes out there? But anyway, thank you.
markdean.expres 0 Junior Poster
I tried using the above code, it did not work for the first time. It did nothing, I worked around it, and I think I now have a program to search files. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!
markdean.expres 0 Junior Poster
O but then the latter code,the one posted by unhnd_Exception, yes it did gets all the files from a directory but it there are files and folder that it repeatedly gets so that the response time is beeing affected. There are files that have duplicates because of this... How do I solve this?
codeorder 197 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
>>Guys I'm overwhelmed of this code you have given to me. Is there no other simpler codes out there? But anyway, thank you.
.See if this helps.
Edited by codeorder because: .
keyboardxtreme 0 Newbie Poster
Hi guys, I have already posted a thread regarding this but no one has ever shed a light upon it. I want a program that searches for files (.docx, exe, ppt, txt) from all folders. Is this possible i the first place? If yes, then how?
when u say u want to search for files, what do u mean. are u saying searching from all computer drives or a specific drive?
yes its possible but give more detail of how u would want to search.
if u ar using windows u can use the default windows search but if u want some code give more detail of how u want to do it.
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