if i run the program it goes hang here is the code
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
.Open "Select * from tblCandidates1", cn, 2, 3
Do While Not .EOF
If !Position = Combo1.Text Then
Combo1.AddItem !Name
ElseIf !Position = Combo2.Text Then
Combo2.AddItem !Name
ElseIf !Position = Combo3.Text Then
Combo3.AddItem !Name
ElseIf !Position = Combo4.Text Then
Combo4.AddItem !Name
ElseIf !Position = Combo5.Text Then
Combo5.AddItem !Name
ElseIf !Position = Combo6.Text Then
Combo6.AddItem !Name
ElseIf !Position = Combo7.Text Then
Combo7.AddItem !Name
Exit Do
End If
End With
elp me please