Hello all.
I'm currently working on this project and I have this problem that I can't figure out.
take a look at my codes and please give me some ideas. I'm kinda new to C++ by the way. thanks

#include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <ctime>
    using namespace std ;
    bool done = false ;
    char answer ;
    bool found = true ;
    int range ; 
    int main()
		int lowerBound = 1 ;
		int upperBound = 101 ;
		int range ;
		int guess ;

		cout << " \t\tWelcome to my guess game!\n " ; 
		cout << " \n\nThink of a number and I will try to guess it.\n\n." ; 
				range = upperBound - lowerBound ; 
				srand(static_cast < unsigned int >(time(0))) ;			
				range = upperBound - lowerBound ;
				guess = lowerBound + (rand() % range) ;
				cout << " Is your number: " << guess << " (l/h/y) " << endl ;
				cin >> answer ;

				if (answer == 'l' || answer == 'L')
				cout << " lower " ; 
				upperBound = guess - 1 ; 
				done = false ; 

				if (answer == 'h' || answer == 'H')
				cout << " higher " ; 
				lowerBound = guess + 1 ; 
				done = false ;

				if (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y')
				cout << " Yes !!!! i got it. " << endl ;
				cout << " Do you want to play again? (y/n) " << endl ;
				cin >> answer ; 
				done = true ; 
			    if (guess == lowerBound + 1 || guess == upperBound - 1)
				cout << " \nHah ! I know your number is: " << upperBound << endl ;
				cout << " Do you want to play again? " << endl ; 
				cin >> answer ;
				if (answer == 'y'|| answer == 'Y')
				done = false ; 

				if (answer == 'n' || answer == 'N')
				done = true ;

     	} while (!done) ; 
          return 0 ;

you have a same condition run through twice in a loop. So in the second condition will overlapse the first condition

you are almost there. I suggest you use 2 do/while loop with switch statement inside it should be much easier imo.

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