Please i am trying to compile my programme, and each time i do the access database is outside the executable. I was wondering if it is possible to compile it and the database will be within the executable, or better still how do i make it an installer kind of application that sends all the files to the programes folder on the computer.
Any contribution is highly welcome.

On your installer project, on the file system, under application folder add the database.

If if you need the database in a distinct folder, then add it to the file system tab and put the database inside.

Hope this helps

I dont understand the "installer project" bit...i've gone through the whole vb2010 express and i can find it. Or is it restricted to the full version?

I am using the professional version and has a project of type installer, but I will bet that in VS Express you can create a new project of type ClickOnce Security and Deployment (see here).

Hope this helps

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