I have a problem. I have been programming an activation type of security protection for my
software but i ran into problems when i try to generate an alphanumeric key with
conditions. i cant seem to be able to make the keys to be valid with the condition.
Basically i can get the 25 keys but all of them seem to be returning 1 (ones) instead of 0
(zero which what i want. below is my sample code may be someone can tell me what i am doing
wrong, by the way i did google, woogle,bing, bang, yahoo, yadoo etc but no go.
code: generate the keys
Public Function GenerateCode() As Object
Dim IntRnd As Object
Dim IntStep As Object
Dim StrName As Object
Dim IntNameLength As Object
Dim IntLength As Object
Dim StrInputString As Object
'set the char needed
IntLength = Len(StrInputString)
'set the length
IntNameLength = 25
StrName = ""
For IntStep = 1 To IntNameLength
IntRnd = Int((IntLength * Rnd()) + 1)
StrName = StrName & Mid(StrInputString, IntRnd, 1)
Return StrName
End Function
code: here where i put the condition and here where it giving me hell
Public Function GetPID()
Dim pid As String = String.Empty
Dim digitalPid As Byte()
Dim sequenceNumber As Integer = 0
Dim upgradeFlag As Boolean = False
Dim isOem As Boolean = False
Dim oemID As String = Nothing
Dim builder As New StringBuilder(&H18, &H18)
digitalPid = New Byte(&H100 - 1) {}
Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(digitalPid.Length), 0, digitalPid, 0, 4)
Dim num As Integer
dim key as string
redo1: key = generatecode()
num = setcon(key, con1, con2)
if num = 0 then
return key
goto redo1:
end if
End Function
the damn thing keeps returning 1 instead of 0. I do know i can simply change to 1 and be
off the issue. but if is that easy to generate 1 then isnt it easy just to break it. oh yeah
the whole thing hangs when i generate the code???
if i loop it, its able to get a 0 but i cant take the key thats in the loop??
any idea or comment is much appreciated, i do not need the coding just the logic should do,
i should be able to find my way around...