I'm starting to code in python and would like some advice. I'm fairly competent in coding and have been doing alot of VB and shell scripting lately but as python is cross platform I've decided to switch.
How do I get python to run programs I have saved in my scripts folder ~/python/scripts
or My Documents on windows. I havn't decided what paltform do use to devlop in yet so any advice on this would be great too.
I've already set my system path to python and the interpreter runs fine and everything but I can't seem to run my scripts from the interpreter in the way some many tutorials do.
The commands "python 'c:\locatio\of\my\scripts\script.py" and "python '/home/me/python/scripts/myscript.py'" run fine from cmd and shell but when running from the python interpeter trying to instruct python to run a helloworld.py script in my documents is a pain.
Is it possible to tell the interpeter when to look when running scripts.
If this makes no sense I'm sorry it's 2am where I am and I'm tired.