Hi guys, I started learning C a few days ago, watching as many youtube tutorials as possible but there aren't many tuts on youtube :/
Can anyone recomend me a good book or list of tutorials? I started to read "The C Programming Language" by dennis ritchie but It's a little advanced and confusing for me :/ I need somewhere to start off.
Heres a program I wrote, I'm including this to show how nooby I am in C, I really am a complete begginer :/
#import <stdio.h>
#import <conio.h>
int main(void)
/* This is my Random Number Generator, By bckc */
int bc;
int kc;
int owns;
bc = 0;
kc = 0;
printf("How many numbers do you want to generate? \n");
scanf("%d", &kc);
printf("\nWhat is the highest number you'd like to be displayed?\n");
scanf("%d", &owns);
printf("\n\nHit any key to generate %d", kc);
printf(" random numbers between 1 and %d", owns);
printf(". \n\n");
printf("%d\n", 1+rand()%owns);
printf("\n\nClick any key to close. Cheers, Bckc.");