Hi, I'm new here I searched for any possible way to fix my issues, but I have not found anything that I can understand, so I figured I would post my code here. In my C++ class I was asked to take a craps program and modify it to take in wagers and to also take the gambling part of the game and turn it into a function.

I am not sure if I did it right, but at this point the compiler is giving me problems for my functions not being able to return a 0 and 1 argument on the functions are at the bottom. This has been boggling me for many days, and I don't think I can figure out what's going wrong.

I put the game part into two functions getPoint and continueCraps. What it's suposed to do is take a wager if the wager is valid initiate getPoint and then it can have a win, loss or continue status. If the status is continue then it will go into continueCraps and keep rolling until the roll is equal to myPoint which is a win or 7 which is a loss.

Any help figuring out what I've done wrong, and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // contains prototypes for functions srand and rand
#include <ctime> // contains prototype for function time
using namespace std;

// enumeration with constants that represent the game status
enum Status { CONTINUE = -1, LOST , WON}; // all caps in constants

// Declare any functions that are defined in this file
int rollDice(int die1, int die2); // rolls dice, calculates and displays sum
int getPoint(int myPoint, int Balance, int wager); // play's the craps game and returns game status
int continueCraps(int myPoint, int Balance, int wager); // Keep playing craps until a win or loss

int main()
    int Balance = 1000; //betting balance
    int wager; // the ammount bet against a round
    Status gameStatus;
    // randomize random number generator using current time
    srand( time( 0 ) ); // seed the random numbers

    while(Balance >= 0) // while the balance is positive keep running
        cout << endl << "Place a bet on your next roll, you might just get lucky!" << endl; // prompt for a wager
        cin >> wager; // read the wager

        if (Balance >= wager) // keep playing till out of money
                getPoint(); // find the point
                while (gameStatus == CONTINUE) // keep playing while the game status is continue

            } // end if
            else // take a new wager if the previous was too high
                cout << endl << "You're going broke, lower your wager or get out! Please enter a lower wager than your balance: " << Balance << endl; // if wager is too big prompt for smaller one
                cin >> wager;
                cout << endl;
                } // end else
            } // end while

  return 0;
} // end main

// roll dice, calculate sum and display results
int rollDice(int die1, int die2)
    // pick random die values
    die1 = 1 + rand() % 6; // first die roll
    die2 = 1 + rand() % 6; // second die roll

    int sum = die1 + die2; // compute sum of die values
    return sum;
} // end function rollDice

int getPoint(int myPoint, int Balance, int wager) //initiates craps
    Status gameStatus;
    int die1, die2;
    int sumOfDice = rollDice(die1, die2); // roll dice
    cout << "Player rolled " << die1 << " + " << die2 << " = " << sumOfDice << endl; // display roll

    // determine game status and point (if needed) based on first roll
    if (sumOfDice == 7)
        Balance = (Balance + wager); // add the wager to balance
        cout << "Ahh, you got lucky this time. Your new balance is " << Balance << endl; // display win message
        gameStatus = WON; // game won
            else if (sumOfDice == 11)
                Balance = (Balance + wager); // add the wager to balance
                cout << "You won! Your new balance is " << Balance << endl; // display win message
                gameStatus = WON; // game won
                else if (sumOfDice == 2)
                    Balance = (Balance - wager); // take wager from balance
                    cout << "Pay up, you rolled craps, you now have " << Balance << endl; // display loss message
                    gameStatus = LOST; // game lost
                    else if (sumOfDice == 3)
                        Balance = (Balance - wager); // take wager from balance
                        cout << "You craped out, you only have " << Balance << endl; // display loss message
                        gameStatus = LOST; // game lost
                        else if (sumOfDice == 12)
                            Balance = (Balance - wager); // take wager from balance
                            cout << "You rolled craps, you're down to " << Balance << endl; // display loss message
                            gameStatus = LOST; // game lost
                                myPoint = sumOfDice; // the sum of this roll is the point
                                cout << "The point is " << myPoint;
    return gameStatus;

} // end function playCraps

int continueCraps(int Balance, int wager) // continues to play craps until completion
    Status gameStatus;
    int die1, die2;
    int sumOfDice;
    int myPoint;
	int point = getPoint(myPoint); // the point is myPoint

        // determine game status
        sumOfDice = rollDice(die1, die2); // roll again
        cout << "Player rolled " << die1 << " + " << die2 << " = " << sumOfDice << endl; // display roll
        if ( sumOfDice == point ) // win by making point
            Balance = (Balance + wager); // add the wager to balance
            cout << "You win! You now are the proud owner of " << Balance << endl; // display win message
            gameStatus = WON; // game won
            else if ( sumOfDice == 7 ) // lose by rolling 7 before point
                Balance = (Balance - wager); // take wager from balance
                cout << "You rolled craps, you're down to " << Balance << endl; // display loss message
                gameStatus = LOST; // game lost
    } // end do
    while ( gameStatus == CONTINUE ); // not WON or LOST
   return gameStatus;
} //end funtion continueCraps

The problem is that you're calling the functions "getPoint" and "continueCraps" with either no arguments at all

getPoint(); // find the point

or insufficient number of arguments.

int point = getPoint(myPoint); // the point is myPoint

See your declarations for these functions

int getPoint(int myPoint, int Balance, int wager); // play's the craps game and returns game status
int continueCraps(int myPoint, int Balance, int wager); // Keep playing craps until a win or loss

They both take three integers as arguments.

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There is also a problem with the below function:

// roll dice, calculate sum and display results
int rollDice(int die1, int die2)
// pick random die values
die1 = 1 + rand() % 6; // first die roll
die2 = 1 + rand() % 6; // second die roll
int sum = die1 + die2; // compute sum of die values
return sum;
} // end function rollDice

If die1 and die2 are input parameters, then it makes no sense to assign values to them. If they are output parameters, you are only assigning the variables in the function scope. If you want to assign both the variables random values, you need to use references:

// roll dice, calculate sum and display results
int rollDice(int& die1, int& die2)
// pick random die values
die1 = 1 + rand() % 6; // first die roll
die2 = 1 + rand() % 6; // second die roll
int sum = die1 + die2; // compute sum of die values
return sum;
} // end function rollDice

Alright it run's now after adding in the missing variables and references, thank you all for the help.

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