Input file looks like this

John Smith
23 , 54
Jose Cruise
445, 23
34, 32
Mike Beterman
3, 2
David Smith
323, 23

Below is my code.

What is happening on my output I get

Sport: BASKETBALL Name: John Smith Stat: 23 , 54
Sport: FOOTBALL Name: Jose Cruise Stat: 445, 23
Sport: BASEBALL Name: Mike Beterman Stat: 323, 23

I need all the names and all the stats to be printed out..

Sport: BASKETBALL Name: John Smith Stat: 23 , 54
Sport: FOOTBALL Name: Jose Cruise Stat: 445, 23
Sport: BASKETBALL Name: KJ Stat: 34, 32
Sport: BASEBALL Name: Mike Beterman Stat: 3, 2
Sport: FOOTBALL Name: David Smith Stat:323, 23

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong in my code Please?

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(infile));
  String line = "not empty";
  while (line != null)

        if (line.equals("BASKETBALL"))
         String Name = in.readLine(); 
         String stats= in.readLine(); 
        AddBasketballPlayer("Basketball", Name, Stats); 
         line = in.readLine(); 
         String Name = in.readLine(); 
         String stats= in.readLine(); 
         AddBaseballPlayer("Baseball", Name, Stats); 
         line = in.readLine(); 
         String Name = in.readLine(); 
         String stats= in.readLine(); 
         AddFootballPlayer("Football", Name, Stats); 
         line = in.readLine(); 

In line 18, you have too many double quotation?


In line 18, you have too many double quotation?


I just copied it incorrectly other than that is there a reason why it seems to skip over the BASKETBALL?

Because you are using "if" statement wrong. There are 2 ways to fix this..

// 1st way, move the line = in.readLine(); out from all of the "if"
while (line != null) {
  if (line.equals("BASKETBALL")) {
    String Name = in.readLine(); 
    String stats= in.readLine(); 
    AddBasketballPlayer("Basketball", Name, Stats); 
  if(line.equals("BASEBALL")) {
    String Name = in.readLine(); 
    String stats= in.readLine(); 
    AddBaseballPlayer("Baseball", Name, Stats); 
  if(line.equals("FOOTBALL")) {
    String Name = in.readLine(); 
    String stats= in.readLine(); 
    AddFootballPlayer("Football", Name, Stats); 
  line = in.readLine(); 

// 2nd way which is much better, change your "if" only to "if" & "else if" statement
// The condition is mutual exclusive -- sport will never be the same, so you need
// the code to execute only one type in a loop.
while (line != null) {
  if (line.equals("BASKETBALL")) {
    String Name = in.readLine(); 
    String stats= in.readLine(); 
    AddBasketballPlayer("Basketball", Name, Stats); 
  else if(line.equals("BASEBALL")) {
    String Name = in.readLine(); 
    String stats= in.readLine(); 
    AddBaseballPlayer("Baseball", Name, Stats); 
  else if(line.equals("FOOTBALL")) {
    String Name = in.readLine(); 
    String stats= in.readLine(); 
    AddFootballPlayer("Football", Name, Stats); 
  line = in.readLine(); 

okay so simple, thanks one more question. My output is producing

Sport: BASKETBALL Name: John Smith Stat: 23 , 54
Sport: FOOTBALL Name: Jose Cruise Stat: 445, 23
Sport: BASKETBALL Name: KJ Stat: 34, 32
Sport: BASEBALL Name: Mike Beterman Stat: 3, 2
Sport: FOOTBALL Name: David Smith Stat:323, 23

why is this null there shouldn't it end the loop as soon as it hits the empty line

The null value could come from your predefined array size. I don't know how you define the array to accept the add player functionality. If, for example, you create a predefined array as

SportPlayer[] players = new SportPlayer[40];

and you add up to 10 players, then the rest of your array will be null. When you display the result, which again I do not know how you display it, and may attempt to display all values inside the "players" array, you will get "null" value instead of what you want.

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