Hi guys, ran into a small problem, i can read & write anything i want to a text file as well as append to the end of the line but I cant seem to figure out how to edit a specific line.
Lets say in the text file i have:


and i want to edit the text file to change the C, into C++, how would I go about doing this? Ive searched through the internet but couldn't find an answer.

my current code is below which only writes to the end of the file & i would like it to modify the 3rd line, can anyone help me as to what i am doing wrong?

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Testing {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
           FileReader file1 = new FileReader("/Applications/eclipse/Projects/ATM/src/carlos.txt");
           BufferedReader f = new BufferedReader(file1);
           String temp = null;
           int i =0 ;
           while((temp=f.readLine()) !=null)
                       FileWriter file2 = new FileWriter("/Applications/eclipse/Projects/ATM/src/carlos.txt",true);
                       BufferedWriter file3 = new BufferedWriter(file2);
             catch(Exception e)
      catch(Exception e)
text file to change the C, into C++, how would I go about doing this?

are you sure about ...

and about C++, then you probably Win user,

commented: Guy probably knows what machine he's running, don't you think? +0

im a mac user,and the location of my text file is correct.
The problem i am having is editing the text file, the text does not really matter, i just need to modify a line of text in that text file to be something else when i run the code.
so if i have in line 4 Manchester, i run the code and i would want that line to say Liverpool instead and the rest of the text file unchanged. is there a way to do this?

The simplest solution would be to write out a new file with the updated data and delete the original one. A sample implementation to get you started would be: http://www.javadb.com/remove-a-line-from-a-text-file (untested)

A really messed up solution would be to try to get something working with RandomAccessFile but then again it would blow up for variable length substitutions.

The create a new file solution works pretty well for *most* of the cases. If you get the feeling that this solution is turning out to be unwieldy due to performance reasons, move to an in-memory database.

The simplest solution would be to write out a new file with the updated data and delete the original one


Read in the file, modify it in memory, write it out when you're done, overwriting the original. Write out a backup of the original first if you're concerned about losing information. (on a unix machine, call it .FILENAME.bak to hide it)

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