coolbeanbob 17 Junior Poster


I am working on a binary search tree program.

In main, line 21, I am invoking the Binary_tree insert function. I get a compiler error on line 178 of the Binary_tree file.

The error says

"error: cannot convert 'const int*' to 'Binary_node<int>*' in assignment.

They both seem like ints to me. The root and newNode variables are of the same type, so I don't understand the problem.


#include "utility.h"
#include "Binary_node.h"
#include "Binary_tree.h"
//#include "Search_tree.h"

using namespace std;

int main()

	Binary_tree<int> tree;

   // tree.insert(1);

    Binary_node<int> *c = new Binary_node<int>(45);
    cout << "c data: " << c->data << endl;


//    Binary_node<int> *p;
//    p = new Binary_node<int>(1);
//    Binary_node<int> *c1 = new Binary_node<int>(1000);
//    Binary_node<int> *c2 = new Binary_node<int>(1000);
//    Binary_node<int> *c3 = new Binary_node<int>(1000);
//    p->left = new Binary_node<int>(2);
//    p->right= c1;

	cout << "Hello world!" <<endl;
//	cout <<p->right->data<< endl;
//	cout<<p->right;
//    return 0;


#include "utility.h"

//Binary_tree class interface
template <class Entry>
class Binary_tree {
   Binary_tree(){}  //constructor
   //Post: An empty binary tree has been created.

   bool empty() const;
   //Post: A result of true is returned if the binary tree is empty.
   //Otherwise, false is returned.

   void preorder(void (*visit)(Entry &));
   //Post: The tree has been traversed in preorder sequence.
   //Uses: The function recursive_preorder

   void inorder(void (*visit)(Entry &));
   //Post: The tree has been traversed in inorder sequence.
   //Uses: The function recursive_inorder

   void postorder(void (*visit)(Entry &));
   //Post: The tree has been traversed in postorder sequence.
   //Uses: The function recursive_postorder

   void level_order(void (*visit) (Entry &));
   //Post: The tree has been traversed in level order sequence.
   //Uses: STL queue class

   int size() const;
   //Post: Returns the number of nodes in the tree
   //Uses: The function recursive_size

   void clear();
   //Post: All nodes of tree have been deleted, root set to NULL
   //Uses:  The function recursive_clear

   int height() const;
   //Post: Returns the height of the tree,
	 //where empty tree has height 0, one-node
	 //tree has height 1, etc.
   //Uses: The function recursive_height

   void insert(const Entry &);
   //Pre:  Data of type Entry has been passed for insertion -
   //note that the prototype need not include parameter names,
   //only data types
   //Post: Parameter has been inserted into the shortest
   //subtree or into the left subtree if equal height
   //Uses: The function recursive_insert

   Binary_tree (const Binary_tree<Entry> &original);
   //copy constructor
   //Post: creates a deep copy of tree original
   //Uses:  The function recursive_copy

   Binary_tree & operator =(const Binary_tree<Entry> &original);
   // overloaded assignment operator
   //Post: The calling tree is reset as a deep copy of tree pointed to by original
   //Uses:  The function recursive_copy

   ~Binary_tree(){}   //destructor

   //Auxiliary function prototypes - MORE NEED TO BE ADDED
   void recursive_preorder(Binary_node<Entry> *sub_root,
                           void (*visit)(Entry &));

   void recursive_inorder(Binary_node<Entry> *sub_root,
                           void (*visit)(Entry &));

   void recursive_postorder(Binary_node<Entry> *sub_root,
                           void (*visit)(Entry &));

   Binary_node<Entry>* recursive_copy(Binary_node<Entry>* sub_root);
   //Pre: sub_root is NULL or points to a subtree of the Binary_tree
   //Post: returns a pointer to a deep copy of tree pointed to by sub_root

   int recursive_height(Binary_node<Entry>* sub_root);

   //Single member variable
   Binary_node<Entry> *root;


template<class Entry>
bool Binary_tree<Entry>::empty() const

    cout << "empty()" << endl;
    cout << "left: " << root->left << endl;
    cout << "right: " << root->right << endl;
    if (root->left == NULL)
        cout << "left null" << endl;

    else if (root->right == NULL)
        cout << "right null" << endl;

    bool boo;
    return boo;
//Post: A result of true is returned if the binary tree is empty.
//Otherwise, false is returned.

template<class Entry>
void Binary_tree<Entry>::preorder(void (*visit)(Entry &))

//Post: The tree has been traversed in preorder sequence.
//Uses: The function recursive_preorder

template<class Entry>
void Binary_tree<Entry>::inorder(void (*visit)(Entry &))

//Post: The tree has been traversed in inorder sequence.
//Uses: The function recursive_inorder

template<class Entry>
void Binary_tree<Entry>::postorder(void (*visit)(Entry &))

//Post: The tree has been traversed in postorder sequence.
//Uses: The function recursive_postorder

template<class Entry>
void Binary_tree<Entry>::level_order(void (*visit) (Entry &))

//Post: The tree has been traversed in level order sequence.
//Uses: STL queue class

template<class Entry>
int Binary_tree<Entry>::size() const
    return 0;
//Post: Returns the number of nodes in the tree
//Uses: The function recursive_size

template<class Entry>
void Binary_tree<Entry>::clear()

//Post: All nodes of tree have been deleted, root set to NULL
//Uses:  The function recursive_clear

template<class Entry>

int Binary_tree<Entry>::height() const
    return 0;
//Post: Returns the height of the tree,
 //where empty tree has height 0, one-node
 //tree has height 1, etc.
//Uses: The function recursive_height

template<class Entry>
void Binary_tree<Entry>::insert(const Entry &newNode)
    root->left = &newNode;

//Pre:  Data of type Entry has been passed for insertion -
//note that the prototype need not include parameter names,
//only data types
//Post: Parameter has been inserted into the shortest
//subtree or into the left subtree if equal height
//Uses: The function recursive_insert

template<class Entry>
Binary_tree<Entry>::Binary_tree (const Binary_tree<Entry> &original)

//copy constructor
//Post: creates a deep copy of tree original
//Uses:  The function recursive_copy

  //Auxiliary function prototypes - MORE NEED TO BE ADDED
template<class Entry>
void Binary_tree<Entry>::recursive_preorder(Binary_node<Entry> *sub_root, void (*visit)(Entry &))


template<class Entry>
void Binary_tree<Entry>::recursive_inorder(Binary_node<Entry> *sub_root, void (*visit)(Entry &))


template<class Entry>
void Binary_tree<Entry>::recursive_postorder(Binary_node<Entry> *sub_root, void (*visit)(Entry &))


//template<class Entry>
//void Binary_tree<Entry>::Binary_node<Entry>* recursive_copy(Binary_node<Entry>* sub_root)
//Pre: sub_root is NULL or points to a subtree of the Binary_tree
//Post: returns a pointer to a deep copy of tree pointed to by sub_root

template<class Entry>
int Binary_tree<Entry>::recursive_height(Binary_node<Entry>* sub_root)
    int height = 0;
        while(sub_root->left != NULL)

    return height;


//Binary_node struct interface
template <class Entry>
struct Binary_node {
//data members:

//Note that the default access in a
//struct is public, so these member
//variables are public.  However,
//only private or protected member
//variables of trees will point to nodes.

   Entry data;
   Binary_node<Entry> *left;
   Binary_node<Entry> *right;

        data = NULL;
        left = NULL;
        right = NULL;


   Binary_node(const Entry &x)
        data = x;