Hii everybody!! I am a new user of Perl. I have a small problem here:
I have got a tab delimited text file containing a list of chemicals and their properties. Now I would like to create a new column where the program should first scan the whole file and then it will write new properties in a new column.
For example:
File name: chem.txt

Chem name react
Abc 66
cbd 65
gbk 47

and so on..
Now I would like the script to read the whole file and if it finds 'gbk' in file, then it creates a new column here and writes 'red'.


Chem name react Property
Abc 66
cbd 65
gbk 47 red

Much appreciated if you could help me..(I have attached the example text file also)
Thanks a lot..

This works but it doesn't pass "warnings" because of the split. I still have to figure that out, it's strange. But it does what you requested. I had to modify your chem.txt to actually be tab delimited BTW.

my %property;
my $x=0;
my $chem="";
my $react="";
		print OUT "Chem name\treact\tProperty\n";
print OUT "$chem\t$react\t$property{$chem}\n";
close OUT;
close IN;

This works but it doesn't pass "warnings" because of the split. I still have to figure that out, it's strange. But it does what you requested. I had to modify your chem.txt to actually be tab delimited BTW.

my %property;
my $x=0;
my $chem="";
my $react="";
		print OUT "Chem name\treact\tProperty\n";
print OUT "$chem\t$react\t$property{$chem}\n";
close OUT;
close IN;

thnaks a lot..i'll try this but would you please put some comments for me bcoz i am a learner and it would be easier for me to understand..


my %property; #this is a keyed hash 
$property{gbk}="red"; #this is a value keyed by the chemical name
#if you want others just put in $property{cbd}="green" and the program will work still
open(IN,"<chem.txt"); #opening your file
open(OUT,">newchem.txt"); #writing to a new file
my $x=0;
my $chem="";
my $react="";
while(<IN>){ #loop through the entire file
	if($x==1){ #checks to see if we are on the first line
		print OUT "Chem name\treact\tProperty\n"; #if so, write out the header 
		next; #go to next record (the data)
#since we passed the "next" above because $x>1 the other lines are processed with 
#the code below
($chem,$react)=split(/\t/); #pull apart the tab delimited record
#the next line does the heavy lifting. It prints out the original data
#plus the value from the keyed hash. Since I only set one key "gbk" and 
#associated it with one value "red" when the other keys are there
#it prints out nothing "". If you set the other keys above, it will
#print out those
print OUT "$chem\t$react\t$property{$chem}\n"; 
close OUT;
close IN;

ghosh22: Make sure your input file is really tab-delimited (see attached file) rather than space-delimited. mitchems already pointed this out, but some text editors make it hard to see the difference so you may not have understood what he meant.

mitchems: I added a line to your script to satisfy the warnings pragma.

    #Add the following line to make the warnings pragma happy
    $property{$chem} = '' if not exists $property{$chem};
    print OUT "$chem\t$react\t$property{$chem}\n";

Thanks David. THAT was what it was carping about. It reported the $react variable and I was completely confused. Of course! Because the keys are undefined - which was a feature of the script, but understandably caused warnings to complain.

Thanks a lot guys!!! Got one small question..really got confused with perl conditionals and loop. Would you please elaborate where to use:
in a program? Which one is best for which purpose?
Many thanks in advance..

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