I have a listview that pulls data from a MySQL and I can now finally sort queries by date range (thanks Unhnd Exception!!). Also in that query, I have it sorted by ID number.
This brings me to another question. The ReportViewer pulls up a really nice report for my users with this data. Now I can sort it by:
1: User ID Number (officer_id in MySQL) OR
2: Date range (startdate and enddate in MySQL)
So here's what I have so far.
I can use the following filters to sort my query by officer ID number in the ReportViewer-
'Filtering the DataGrid to display only the rows of the selected Officer ID given in the main form textbox.text
TrainingBindingSource.Filter = "Officer_ID LIKE '%" & frmMain.lblID.Text & "%'"
Then, I figured out how to sort and display my query in the report viewer with this statement-
TrainingBindingSource.Filter = String.Format _
("startdate >= #{0:MMM/dd/yyyy}# And enddate <= #{1:MMM/dd/yyyy}#", frmMain.dtpTrainingStart.Text, frmMain.dtpTrainingEnd.Text)
The first code works well sorting by the oficers ID number, and the second one works well sorting by date.
But how do I combine the both of them? As it is, they don't work as separate filters. I guess they need to be all meshed together?