I am having a problem and hopefully you guys can help me out.. I need to count the frequency of a character in a string(option 5 in the program. I can do this part however i cannot get my program to count anything that is in uppercase. It only does lower case.. please help out if you can.
/* Name:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Function to reverse order of the string//
void ReverseStr ( char *userstring, int start, int end )
char tmp ;
if ( start >= end )
printf ( "\n%s\n", userstring );
tmp = *(userstring + start);
*(userstring + start) = *(userstring + end);
*(userstring + end) = tmp ;
ReverseStr (userstring, ++start, --end );
// Function to change character case //
void f(char *str)
*str = tolower(*str);
else if(islower(*str))
*str = toupper(*str);
int main(void)
int num6=6, opt; // setting variables
char userstring[0]; // setting the string for user input
char sub[0]; // seeting sub sting
char str[0];
char *p,*strptr;
int i=0;
int length=0;
int c = 0, num[256] = {0};
int d = 0;
int count;
int upperCounter;
int lowerCounter;
printf("This program will let you input a string then change it in a couple of different ways.\n");
printf("Feel free to make the string as large or as small as you would like.\n");
printf("You will then be given several options to choose from.\n");
printf("Each option will give you a chance to go back to the main\n");
printf("menu unless you exit the program.\n");
printf("Please Enter your String\n\n"); //asking user for string
gets(userstring); //getting string from user
printf("\n\nPlease select from one of the following operations:\n\n");
printf("1. Display your string\n");
printf("2. Enter a smaller string and check if it is in your frist string\n");
printf("3. Display your string with the case toggled\n");
printf("4. Display your string in reverse order\n");
printf("5. Display the statics of your string\n");
printf("6. Quit\n");
while(num6=6) //Setting While loop
printf("\nSelect Option: "); //asking user for option
scanf("%d", &opt); // Takes in the option
if (opt==6)
return 0;
switch(opt) // switch set up to look for the option variable
/* OPTION #1 */
case 1: //if user choses option 1
printf("Your String is:\n "); //displaying string for user
/* OPTION #2 */
case 2: //if user chooses option 2
printf("Please Enter your sub-string : \n\n");
scanf("%s",sub);//reads in a string
strptr = userstring;
while ((strptr = strstr(strptr, sub)) != NULL) // Setting while loop to check the whole string
strptr++; // going to the next character
count++; // counter
printf("The sub string is found %d times.\n", count); //Display count for user
/* OPTION #3 */
case 3: //if user chooses option 3
strcpy(str, userstring);
/* OPTION #4 */
case 4: //if user chooses option 4
printf("Your String in Reverse is: \n"); //printing result
ReverseStr(userstring,0,strlen(userstring)-1); // sending and recieving function to reverse string
/* OPTION #5 */
case 5: //if user choose option 5
printf("The Satistics of your String are:\n");
length= strlen(userstring); //getting lentgh of string
printf("Length: %d\n", length);
while ( userstring[c] != '\0' ) //looping string
for ( c = 0 ; c < 28 ; c++ ) // counting character variable and printing in order
if( num[c] != 0 )
printf("%c occurs %d times in the entered string.\n",c+'a',num[c]);
/* OPTION #6 will quit the program*/
/* If there is an incorrect option chosen */
default: printf("Invaild response. Please choose from one of the seven choices. Thank you!\n");
return 0;