This is a ridiculously simple function that I just can not seem to get to work. I am getting a segmentation fault error for this every time I run it.

// LargestUsingPointers:  receives an n-element integer array and returns
// a pointer to the largest element; the function uses pointers
int *LargestUsingPointers(const int *array, int n)
	const int *p1;
	int *largestIndex;
	for(p1 = &array[0]; p1 < &array[n]; p1++)
			if(*p1 > array[n])
				*largestIndex = *p1;

return largestIndex;

I did some debugging and the program will run all the way through until it hits ->

*largestIndex = *p1;

which is where I am given the error. Also, *p1 holds the correct value at that point. So, I am lost! :) Any advice?

Here are a few comments:

int *LargestUsingPointers(const int *array, int n)
  const int *p1;
  int *largestIndex; //you create a pointer that points nowhere, because it is uninitialized.
  for(p1 = &array[0]; p1 < &array[n]; p1++)
    if(*p1 > array[n])  //you check if the current element is greater than an element that is passed the end of the array and thus, does not exist.
      *largestIndex = *p1;  //you write the value of the current element to a location in memory that is arbitrary and not allocated for this program (and thus, the 'segmentation fault').

  return largestIndex;  //you return a pointer to nowhere.

A segmentation fault means that you are attempting to read/write memory that is not assigned to your program, which is what will happen if you dereference a pointer that is not initialized to actually point somewhere.

I think that the intent of your function is to return a pointer that points to the element of the array that is the largest. In which case, this makes more sense:

const int *LargestUsingPointers(const int *array, int n)
  const int* largestIndex = &array[0]; //initialize the largestIndex pointer to point to the first element.
  for(const int* p1 = &array[1]; p1 < &array[n]; p1++) //iterate through the other elements.
    if(*p1 > *largestIndex) //compare with the current "largest" element.
      largestIndex = p1; //reset the current "largest" element pointer.

  return largestIndex; //return the largest element pointer.
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