Hello All,
I have stuck in a problem.
There are set of strings of different length. I have to remove repeated elements from all the strings except from the string in which it appeared first.
For example say the input strings are
"3 4 7 2 15 10"
"5 7 10 2"
"8 36 30 15 4"
"9 10 2 4 11 13 15"
"12 14 10 7 13 17 20 22 21 36"

then after the removal of repeated elements the output should be
"3 4 7 2 15 10"
"8 36 30"
"9 11 13"
"12 14 17 20 22 21"

Thanks in advance

So where is your code? What have you tried?

I have the code but it will be very difficult to understand by other person as it is a intermediate part of a big code. That is why I have just put the problem part with a toy question and expected answer.

I have the code but it will be very difficult to understand by other person as it is a intermediate part of a big code. That is why I have just put the problem part with a toy question and expected answer.

That's not the only thing that's very difficult to understand...

Post the code you have, nobody is going to just give you the answers.

Per our forum rules:
Keep It Organized - Do provide evidence of having done some work yourself if posting questions from assignments.

I have changed the code to make it simpler to understand. Hope You will be able to understand. other than that I am not an efficient programmer. I am from management side not from technical side thats why just usedthe basic function .

Code is as follows:


/kss[] contains set of sting ( input strings) 
//kpp[] contains the  set of desired strings ( i.e. output after removal of repeated elements) 
					//kppp[] is trim version of kpp[] and contain the after removal of  the initial space.
				// v is user defined parameter
// removeChar is a class used to remove element at a particular place.
// res [][] is a 2 D matrix that contain the membership values of different elements with //respect to different strings. The element with lower membership value is removed.
			 String kss[]=new String[v];
			String kpp[]=new String[v];
			String kt[]=new String[v];
			 BufferedReader bufferedReader1 = null;
			bufferedReader1 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("c:\\hard.txt"));
			String line1 = null;
			int i1=0;
			 while ((line1 = bufferedReader1.readLine()) != null)
			 int ippp=1;	
for(int ipp=0;ipp<i1;ipp++)
	int rp;
	int iz=0;
	int ixx=ippp;

		int rint1=0;
		String[] temp1;
		String[] temp2;
		String delimiter=" ";
		temp1 = kpp[rp].split(delimiter);
		temp2 = kss[ippp].split(delimiter);
		//System.out.println("temp2 length =" +temp2.length);
		for (int ix=0;ix<temp1.length;ix++)
			for (int iy=0;iy<temp2.length;iy++)
					String tempstr=temp1[ix];
				int sy1=Integer.parseInt(temp1[0]);
				int sy2=Integer.parseInt(temp2[0]);
						removeChar rc=new removeChar();

for (int az=0; az<5;az++)

Ok, there is no way I'm going to try to trace that mess of meaningless variable names, but I will say that all you need is a List or Set to keep the numbers you have already encountered and the String.replace() method.

In fact, you only need the list if you want to retain a listing of the unique numbers. If you just want to cleanse repetitions, all you need to do is loop forward and remove them.

I agree with Ezzaral, please name your variables something significant...

Lol break down the strings using split, make string arrays and use a removeSimilar method once you got 2 arrays to compare... It's not that difficult of a process.

Have tried as per the advice of Ezzaral ( please see the code pasted below)but there is some problem in output.

kss[] is a set of input string

Input :
"3 4 7 2 15 10"
"5 7 10 2"
"8 36 30 15 4"
"9 10 2 4 11 13 15"
"12 14 10 7 13 17 20 22 21 36"

expected output
3 4 7 2 15 10
8 36 30
9 11 13
12 14 17 20 22 21
But actual output is not exactly same as expected
actual output happens to be
3 4 7 2 15 10
8 36 30
9 11 13
12 14 1 20 22 21

problem in last line .
Any suggestion please

for(int ipp=0;ipp<(length-1);ipp++) 
				 for (int is=ipp+1;is<length;is++)
				 String[] temp1;
					String[] temp2;
					String delimiter=" ";
					temp1 = kss[ipp].split(delimiter);
					temp2 = kss[is].split(delimiter);
					for (int ix=0;ix<temp1.length;ix++)
						for (int iy=0;iy<temp2.length;iy++)
								String tempstr=temp1[ix];
							kss[is]=kss[is].replaceAll(tempstr, "");
							kss[is]=kss[is].replaceAll(" \\s+", " ");// \s+ is a regular expression. \s matches a space, tab, new line, carriage return, form feed and vertical tab and + says "one or more of those". Thus it will collapse all "whitespace substrings" longer than one character, with a single space character.
							}                        //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3958955/how-to-remove-duplicate-white-spaces-in-string-using-java
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