write a class Circle with one double data radius . write motheds :::
public Circle(),public Circle (double),public Circle (Circle c)
public double getRadius()
public setRadius (double)
public getPerometer(int)where the parameter indicates the number of terms for π
public getArea (int) where the parameter indicates the number of term for π
public String toString ()
public Boolean equals( Circle c)
private double getpi(int) which returns the value of π corresponding to the specified number of terms ..
...finally test your class in main
* @(#)Circlee.java
* @author
* @version 1.00 2011/10/17
public class Circlee {
private double raduis;
public Circle(){
public Circle(double rad){
public String toString(){
return "("+raduis+")";
if you can help me to understand this question .plz
i realy need to understand because i have tommorow exam and its will help me ..
all thanks ...