Hello I want to send xml values to a database I just created, here is the xml file

<xref type="person" data="Mark_Lottor"/>
<description>TCP Port Service Multiplexer</description>
<xref type="person" data="Mark_Lottor"/>
<description>TCP Port Service Multiplexer</description>

I've got 4 columns in my database:- ServiceName, PortNumber, TransportProtocol and Description and I need to send the name, protocol, description and number of each record to my database. I'm new to XML so your help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!!

Sorry I forgot to mention that I was able to print the dat onto my screen for viewing.


$xml = simplexml_load_file('C:\view-source [url]www.iana.org[/url] assignments service-names-port-numbers service-names-port-numbers.xml')
or die("Could Not Open The TEXT File<hr /> ");

    foreach($xml->children() as $child)
        foreach($child->children() as $young)
            echo $young->getName() . ": " . $young . "<br />";           

        echo "<br />"; 


Now all I need is to send the records to MySQL.

Thanks in advance.

foreach($xml->business as $row)
  $business_type = $row->attributes()->type;
  $id = $row->listingAgent->attributes()->id;
  $name = $row->listingAgent->name;
  $email = $row->listingAgent->email;
  mysql_query('INSERT INTO tableā€¦');

        this is useful to use.
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