I have 2 query which I want to make it as 1 query. Could anyone help me. Because the query is just the same. The difference is they have 2 condition which 1 query for same year and another query for different year.
If (bboard = "All") Then
If (qter1 > "1" And qter2 > "1") Then
strSQL = " SELECT para1, para2, para3, para_range1,para_range2,para_range3,para_range4, e.stock_code AS current, current_name,b.board_code, board_name, sector_name, sub_sector_name, e.year_id,e.period_id, e.alert_id, e.alert_value, h.shareholders_equity AS curse, i.shareholders_equity AS prevse, i.stock_code AS previousy,i.period_id AS q1,i.year_id AS y1, j.stock_code AS previousy1,j.period_id AS q2,j.period_id AS y2, h.net_cash_operation AS cur_ocf, i.net_cash_operation AS prev_ocf, h.net_attributable AS cur_na, i.net_attributable AS prev_na, j.net_attributable AS prev_na1,h.paid_up_capital AS curpu, i.paid_up_capital AS prevpu "
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM qiddb.company_info a "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN ref_board b ON (b.board_code=a.board_code) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN ref_sector c ON (c.sector_code=a.sector_code) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN ref_sub_sector d ON (d.sub_sector_code=a.sub_sector_code) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN company_alert e ON (e.stock_code=a.stock_code) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN ref_financial_year f ON (f.year_id=e.year_id) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN ref_alert_parameter g ON (g.alert_id = e.alert_id) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN company_financial h ON (h.stock_code=e.stock_code AND h.year_id=e.year_id) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN company_financial i ON (i.stock_code=h.stock_code AND i.period_id=h.period_id-1 AND i.year_id=h.year_id) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN company_financial j ON (j.stock_code=i.stock_code AND j.period_id=i.period_id-1 AND j.year_id=i.year_id) "
strSQL = strSQL & " e.year_id BETWEEN '" & byear1 & "' AND '" & byear2 & "' AND e.period_id BETWEEN '" & qter1 & "' AND '" & qter2 & "' "
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY e.year_id, a.stock_code "
ElseIf (qter1 = "1" And qter2 = "1") Then
strSQL = " SELECT para1, para2, para3, para_range1,para_range2,para_range3,para_range4, e.stock_code AS current, current_name,b.board_code, board_name, sector_name, sub_sector_name, e.year_id,e.period_id, e.alert_id, e.alert_value, h.shareholders_equity AS curse, i.shareholders_equity AS prevse, i.stock_code AS previousy,i.period_id AS q1,i.year_id AS y1, j.stock_code AS previousy1,j.period_id AS q2,j.period_id AS y2, h.net_cash_operation AS cur_ocf, i.net_cash_operation AS prev_ocf, h.net_attributable AS cur_na, i.net_attributable AS prev_na, j.net_attributable AS prev_na1,h.paid_up_capital AS curpu, i.paid_up_capital AS prevpu "
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM qiddb.company_info a "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN ref_board b ON (b.board_code=a.board_code) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN ref_sector c ON (c.sector_code=a.sector_code) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN ref_sub_sector d ON (d.sub_sector_code=a.sub_sector_code) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN company_alert e ON (e.stock_code=a.stock_code) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN ref_financial_year f ON (f.year_id=e.year_id) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN ref_alert_parameter g ON (g.alert_id = e.alert_id) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN company_financial h ON (h.stock_code=e.stock_code AND h.year_id=e.year_id) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN company_financial i ON (i.stock_code=h.stock_code AND i.period_id=h.period_id-1 AND i.year_id=h.year_id-1) "
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN company_financial j ON (j.stock_code=i.stock_code AND j.period_id=i.period_id AND j.year_id=i.year_id-1) "
strSQL = strSQL & " e.year_id BETWEEN '" & byear1 & "' AND '" & byear2 & "' AND e.period_id BETWEEN '" & qter1 & "' AND '" & qter2 & "' "
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY e.year_id, a.stock_code "
End If
cmd = New MySqlCommand(strSQL, conn)
cmd.CommandTimeout = 0
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
'*** BindData to Repeater ***'
repeaterAlert.DataSource = dr
dr = Nothing
End If
is it possible for me to put in one query?