#include <iostream>  // required to perform C++ stream I/O
#include <iomanip>  // required for parameterized stream manipulators

using namespace std;  // for accessing C++ Standard Library members

// function main begins program execution
int main(){
	double wage = 0, raise = 0, raiseMoney = 0;
	int years = 0;
	// Prompt user to enter weekly wage
	cout << "Enter starting weekly wage: ";
	cin >> wage;
	// Prompt user to enter amount of raise
	cout << "Enter amount of raise (in %): ";
	cin >> raise;
	// Prompt user to enter years of employment
	cout << "Enter years of employment: ";
	cin >> years;

	wage = wage * 52;
	raiseMoney = (raise / 100) * wage;

	cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;

	cout << "\nYear   Annual Salary\n";
	for(int i = 0 ; i < (years) ; i++)
		cout << (i+1) << "      $" << wage + (raiseMoney * i) << "\n";

	cout << endl;

	return 0;

The numbers are not adding up correctly: Can someon just check out the code and tell me what I am missing or did wrong, This is what it is supposed to print.

Year Annual Salary
1 26000.00
2 26780.00
3 27583.40
4 28410.90
5 29263.23
6 30141.13
7 31045.36
8 31976.72

Press any key to continue....

Any Help would be appreciated!!!

Without your problem statement or the input you used it's hard to know just what your results should be. Offhand, I'd hazard a guess that you should be adding the raise to the annual wage before calculating the next year's raise.

Something like wage = wage + (raiseMoney * i);

The equation should be
wage = wage * (1+(raiseMoney/100));

Problem is not in your code but your logic. The expected output seems to be using compound interest but you implemented simple interest. Try..

float raisep = (raise/100);
for(int i = 0 ; i < (years) ; i++)
	cout << (i+1) << " $" << wage << "\n"; 
	raiseMoney = raisep * wage;
	wage = wage + raiseMoney;

Oops, I forgot to fully engage brain before activating typing fingers. vidit X has a good solution there.

Ok, I tried to fix it using the code that vidit x stated but there were too many errors. do I put the code after cin >> years?

Ok, I tried to fix it using the code that vidit x stated but there were too many errors. do I put the code after cin >> years?

How can you use it before taking the number of years from user? It cannot predict.

I took out the line between 21 and 28 and entered what you said I should fix and I recieved some errors so I went back to my code. This is what I meant.

Thanks for you help vidit x, it works!!!

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