My problem is as said "expected ';' before "int" "
I dont the problem =>

This obviusly aint the hole text, rather its the place where its complaining.

int tarning2(void)
int tarning1(void)
    int max = 6, min = 1;
    return (rand()%(max-min+1)+min);

This might have something to do with it:
int tarning1(void);
int tarning2(void);
void main()

What Im trying to do is a dice game.
I've tryed change void main to int main and adding a return 0; , however it still complains.

Heres the exact complaints:
`main' must return `int'
In function `int main(...)':

Also wondering what this is:
1 D:\ANNAT\Dev-Cpp\include\c++\3.4.2\backward\iostream.h:31, from CRY\DICE.cpp In file included from D:/ANNAT/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward/iostream.h:31, from CRY/DICE.cpp

Put training1 definition above training2 definition. Also put a "return 0;" in the last line in main. Also use "#include<iostream>" not #include <iostream.h>"

Could you post all of the code? The place where it's complaining isn't necessarily the source of the error.

Also wondering what this is:
1 D:\ANNAT\Dev-Cpp\include\c++\3.4.2\backward\iostream.h:31, from CRY\DICE.cpp In file included from D:/ANNAT/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward/iostream.h:31, from CRY/DICE.cpp

GCC boilerplate in an error log. While it can be helpful, a lot of the time you can ignore these lines.

It still complains on `main' must return `int'
I added the return 0;
But I guess I need to make it int main, however wont that make my int tarning1(void);
go bad?

Heres the part about the training part:

int tarning2(void){
int tarning1(void){
int max = 6, min = 1;
return (rand()%(max-min+1)+min);

I also got:
[Build Error] [PROV/DICE.o] Error 1

Post all of the code, please. Your snippets are unhelpful.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <time.h>
int tarning1(void);
int tarning2(void);
char cont1 ='Q',cont2='Q';
int OnGoing =1,OnGoing1=1,OnGoing2=1;
int resultat, summa=0,points1=0,points2=0;
void main(){
while(OnGoing != 0){
              cout<<"Its player ones turn, do you wish to continue[Y] or stop[N]?";
                    if(cont1 == 'Y'){
                             OnGoing1 =0;
                             while(OnGoing1 == 0){
                                  srand( (unsigned)time(NULL));        
                                  int throw1=0; throw1++;
                                  cout<<"Points: "<<points1<<"           Throws: "<<throw1<<endl;
                                                   if(summa >40){
					                                 cout<<"Player one have excedded 40 and have automaticly lost.";
	                                                 OnGoing1 =1;
                                      cout<<"Its player two's turn, do you wish to continue[Y] or stop[N]?";
                                      if(cont2 == 'Y'){  
                                               OnGoing2 =0;
                                             } while(OnGoing2==0){
                                                int throw2=0; throw2++;
                                                cout<<"Points: "<<points2<<"           Throws: "<<throw2<<endl;
                                                    if(summa >40){
					                                       cout<<"Player two have excedded 40 and have automaticly lost.";
	                                                       OnGoing2 =1;
                         return 0;

int tarning2(void){
int tarning1(void){
    int max = 6, min = 1;
    return (rand()%(max-min+1)+min);

I realise its not complete, its just my rough sketch so far.
However I want it to work so I can know if the while and ifs parts actually work.

Ok, I am now slowly fixing the script.
I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow, really gotta sleep now though.
Goodnight all.

you can't return anything in your "void main()" function as you did in line 47.... though I use an int main().

main() can't return a void; it must be declared int.

I have completed it! Halleuja. God bless the Queen of Britania!

This thread can now be considered resolved.

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