Hi im trying to get this to compile im try to make a menu this is my code but it wont work


#include <iostream>
#include "Menu.h"
using namespace std;

int main(){
return 0;

#ifndef H_MENU
#define H_MENU

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespaced std;

class SportsClothingMenu
          Menu sportsClothingMenu;
          void _populate(){
                            Menu soccerClothesMenu("soccer");
                            //...add soccor clothes to soccerClothesMenu
                            sportsClothingMenu.add( soccerClothesMenu );


#include "Menu.h"

using namespace std;

struct Menu
    std::string name; //could be menu name or a item name

    std::vector<Menu> subMenus;
    Menu(const std::string& name, const std::vector<Menu> subMenus): name(name), subMenus(subMenus){}
    void add(const Menu& m){ subMenus.push_back(m); 

i cant seem to get it working :(

Your code has a lot of errors..

Menu soccerClothesMenu("soccer");

The Menu struct does not have a constructor that takes a string as a parameter. Rather, the only constructor int the struct:

Menu(const std::string& name, const std::vector<Menu> subMenus): name(name), subMenus(subMenus){}

takes two parameters.

int main(){

SportsClothingMenu() is the constructor of class SportsClothingMenu. you can not call it in main(). Rather, you should instantiate an object of class SportsClothingMenu.

ok do you see this code relevent if i need to implement a menu such as

ok do you see this code nessary as i need to create a menu for a catalouge

3.Adds a catagory
4.Adds a selling item

and i need to store the items into a binary tree

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