Im a beginner at Python and I have written a program consisting of three functions and now Im stuck when I need to 'call' on them at the bottom of the program. In the 1st and 2nd functions I get some information and saving it to a file, but the important thing is what I get from fcn3. Fcn2 needs the result from fcn1 and fcn3 needs the result from fcn2. So they all rely on each other(thats why im writing them to a new file, to save and to reuse). It looks something like this:

def fcn1():
    do some stuff
    write result to a new file

def fcn2():
    do some stuff
     write result to a new file

def fcn3():
    do some stuff
    write result to a new file
    return result

for f in fread


All the functions seem to work, but not when I run the entire program called I have several files I want to go through and that I need f to open. How do I automate things? Each filename has same directory, but differences in an ID nr.

You have to return the values, see for starters.

def fcn1(record):
    do some stuff
    write result to a new file
    return data_from_this_function
def fcn2(data_from_fcn1):
    do some stuff
    write result to a new file
    return data_from_this_function
def fcn3(data_from_fcn2):
    do some stuff
    write result to a new file
    return result
for f in fread

##------- you can run the following
def func_1(list_in):
    list_in.append("added by func_1")
    return list_in

def func_2(list_in):
    for ctr in range(len(list_in)):
        if list_in[ctr] == "added by func_1":
            list_in[ctr]=list_in[ctr].replace("func_1", "func_2")
    return list_in

def func_3(list_in):
    list_in.append("ADDED by func_3")
    return list_in

print res_1
print res_2
print res

Also you will get better answers if you post your code instead of pseudo code. This issue was already mentioned a few days ago, and it's not a difficult one.

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