Member Avatar for mehnihma

My question is ; how to take a value from a loop and continue the loop and take the new value again, print it and add it to the old one?


while (numCourses <= 3) // loop 1 times
         System.out.print( "Enter grade (one character): " ); // prompt 
		numCourses +=  1;
          grade =; // read grade from user
			  char c = grade.charAt(0);  // from string to Character 
			  int points = 0;
			// case switch
			  switch (c) {
                case 'A':              
                case 'a':
               points = 4;
                case 'b':
                case 'B':
                    points = 3;
                case 'c':
                case 'C':
                    points = 2;
                case 'd':
                case 'D':
                   points = 1;
               case 'f':
                case 'F':
                    points = 0;
            }// end switch
     Scanner kurs1 = new Scanner(;
     System.out.println("Enter credits: ");
     int kredit;
     kredit = kurs1.nextInt();
     int sumkredit = 0;
     sumkredit += kredit;
     int point1 = 0;
     points = point1;
     System.out.println("Sum Points: "+ point1);
     System.out.println("Sum Credits: "+sumkredit);

      } // end while

Your program seems to be out of order.
Can you explain the order the questions are supposed to have?

Member Avatar for mehnihma

Yes I know

I need to add a value then use it and print it out
then when again when it loops again I need that second value and print it and add first value to it and so on 3 times

I need to enter two numbers, grade and credit and sum them

So, without making it too fancy (and without writing the whole thing), consider keeping the totals on the outside of the loop:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DW_390767
	private static int getPoints(char cGrade)
		int points = 0;
		switch (cGrade)
			case 'A':
			case 'a':
			points = 4;

			case 'b':
			case 'B':
			points = 3;

			case 'c':
			case 'C':
			points = 2;

			case 'd':
			case 'D':
			points = 1;

			case 'f':
			case 'F':
			points = 0;

		return points;

	public static void main(String[] args)
		int numCourses = 0;

		String grade = "";

		Scanner input = new Scanner(;

		System.out.println("Enter number of courses");
		numCourses = input.nextInt();
		int intCredits = 0;
		int intPoints = 0;

		for(int intCourseCount = 0; intCourseCount < numCourses; intCourseCount++)
			System.out.println("Course " + (intCourseCount+1) + " of " + numCourses);

			System.out.println("Enter the grade for course " + (intCourseCount+1));
			char chrGrade = (char);

			intPoints += getPoints(chrGrade);

			System.out.println("Enter credits for course " + (intCourseCount+1));
			intCredits += input.nextInt();


That will get you a start and you can add up the totals.
Later, you can make it fancier.

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