I'm trying to make a program that has the possibility to vote for different people. When a vote is added to a person, I want the pie chart above to change according to the votes. I have everything done except for the part of the pie chart changing. This is the code for the display portion of the program. Any advice is welcome, Thank!!
* A PollDisplayPanel holds the vote counts and
* displays the numbers and the pie chart for
* the current vote counts.
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class PollDisplayPanel extends JPanel
private String name1, name2, name3;
// Declare the int fields count1, count2, count3:
private int count1, count2, count3;
// Constructor
public PollDisplayPanel(String nm1, String nm2, String nm3)
name1 = nm1;
name2 = nm2;
name3 = nm3;
count1 = 0; // optional
count2 = 0; // optional
count3 = 0; // optional
// Increments count1
public void vote1()
// Increments count2
public void vote2()
// Increments count3
public void vote3()
// Returns a string representation of this object
public String toString()
return name1 + ":" + count1 + " " + name2 + ":" + count2 + " " + name3 + ":" + count3 + " " ;
// Redefines JPanel's paintComponent to draw this pie chart
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
int w = getWidth();
int h = getHeight();
int x = w/2;
int y = h/2;
int r = Math.min(w, h) / 4;
drawPieChart(g, x, y, r);
drawLegend(g, x, y, r);
// Draws the pie chart.
// To avoid gaps in the picture, the following algorithm is used:
// 1. set fromDegree to 0;
// 2. draw the red sector and increment fromDegree by its size
// 3. draw the green sector and increment fromDegree by its size
// 4. set the size of the blue sector to the remaining
// area, 360 - fromDegree, but not less than 0:
// degrees = Math.max(360 - fromDegree, 0);
// (Occasionally, due to rounding errors, fromDegree may become 361,
// for example, count1 = 5, count2 = 11, count3 = 0.)
private void drawPieChart(Graphics g, int x, int y, int r)
int total = count1 + count2 + count3;
int fromDegree = 0;
if (total > 0)
int degrees;
degrees = countToDegrees(count1, total);
drawSector(g, x, y, r, fromDegree, degrees);
fromDegree += degrees;
degrees = countToDegrees(count2, total);
drawSector(g, x, y, r, fromDegree, degrees);
fromDegree += degrees;
degrees = Math.max(360 - fromDegree, 0);
drawSector(g, x, y, r, fromDegree, degrees);
drawSector(g, x, y, r, fromDegree, 360);
// Draws the vote counts and the corresponding color squares.
private void drawLegend(Graphics g, int x, int y, int r)
// Display the counts:
y += (r + 20);
g.drawString("" + count1, x - r, y);
g.drawString("" + count2, x, y);
g.drawString("" + count3, x + r, y);
// Display the color squares:
y += 5;
x -= 2;
g.fillRect(x - r, y, 10, 10);
g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10);
g.fillRect(x + r, y, 10, 10);
// Returns the number of degrees in a pie slice that
// corresponds to count / total, rounded to the nearest integer.
private int countToDegrees(int count, int total)
return (int)(360.0 + count / total + 0.5);
// Draws a sector, centered at x, y, of radius r,
// of angle measure degrees, starting at fromDegree.
private void drawSector(Graphics g, int x, int y, int r, int fromDegree, int degrees)
if (degrees > 359)
g.fillOval(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r);
g.fillArc(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r, fromDegree, degrees);