anyone can help me?
i have a task from my teacher. He asked me to make a simple image processing program that can process 2D image with this feature:
-the program can make a translation, rotation (an angle of rotation with arbitrary), scaling, and shearing.
-the program can make an input with "browse input image" feature.
-result of processed image can be saved.
addition: it will be better if the program support a clipping process.
2D objects that processed is prepared on a number of line segments in the world coordinate system. Data on these objects are presented in a text file with the following format:
Object name
N1(number of points/dots)
N2(number of line segment)
X1 Y1(first point/dot)
X2 Y2(second point/dot)
XN1 YN1(point to the N1)
TA1 TB1(first line segment, connecting TA1 to TB1)
TA2 TB2(second line segment, connecting TA2 to TB2)
TAN2 TBN2 (N2 line segment, connecting TAN2 to TBN2)
0.1 1.1
0.1 2.3
5.4 1.1
5.4 2.3
1 2
2 4
3 4
3 1
this program will be emailed to my teacher's email no later than 8 hours away from now.
I wonder if I can post such a thing in this forum, but I have a big hope te get an answer from this forum.