I'm working on a program to get the reduce form of a fraction by finding the gcd of the fraction. It works for some while for others it doesn't work. I noticed it when I tried entering in -7, 6, 6, 2 for the numbers. The reduce form of the product of the two fractions should be -7/2, but instead it is -3/1, but if I use -6, 2, 4, 3 the program works fine. Any help would be appreciated.

Sincerely yours;


TITLE MASM Template						(main.asm)

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

.data                                                                          ;Declare values
myMessage  BYTE "Enter first numerator:     ", 0                               ;Stores a string
myMessage2 BYTE "Enter first denominator:   ",0                                ;Stores a string
myMessage3 BYTE "Enter second numerator:    ",0                                ;Stores a string
myMessage4 BYTE "Enter second denominator:  ",0                                ;Stores a string
myMessage5 BYTE "/", 0                                                         ;Stores a / 
myMessage6 BYTE "Your first fraction is:  ",0                                  ;Stores a string
myMessage7 BYTE "Your second fraction is:  ",0                                 ;Stores a string
myMessage8 BYTE "The product of these two are:  ",0                            ;Stores a string
myMessage9 BYTE "The reduced form is:  ",0                                     ;Stores a string
myMessage10 BYTE "Do you want to do it again:  ",0                             ;Stores a string
myMessage11 BYTE "Terminating...",0dh,0ah,0                                    ;Stores an exiting message
myMessage12 BYTE " ",0dh, 0ah, 0                                               ;Stores a space so I can do a new line
myMessage13 BYTE "You can't store a 0 in the denominator",0dh, 0ah, 0          ;Stores a string
n1    SDWORD 0                                                                 ;A variable to store the first numerator
n2    SDWORD 0                                                                 ;A variable to store the first denominator
d1    SDWORD 0                                                                 ;A variable to store the second numerator
d2    SDWORD 0                                                                 ;A variable to store the second denominator
temp  SDWORD 0                                                                 ;Temp variable to store the product of the numerator
temp2 SDWORD 0                                                                 ;Temp variable to store the product of the denominator
temp3 SDWORD 0                                                                 ;Temp variable to store
temp4 SDWORD 0                                                                 ;Temp variable to store
temp5 SDWORD 0                                                                 ;Temp variable to store the product of the numerator that gets manipulated
temp6 SDWORD 0                                                                 ;Temp variable to store the product of the denominator that gets manipulated

.code                                                                          ;Declare main
main PROC                                                                      ;Declare proc
	top:                                                                       ;jump to the top if the user wants to re-run the program
	call Clrscr                                                                ;Clears the screen
	mov eax, 0                                                                 ;Clear eax
	mov ebx, 0                                                                 ;Clear ebx
	mov ecx, 0                                                                 ;Clear ecx

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage                                                  ;Mov message into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Display to screen - Prompting the user for the first numerator
	call readint                                                               ;Reads the input number and store it into eax 
	mov n1, eax                                                                ;Mov the first numerator into n1

top2:                                                                          ;Jumps here if the user enters in a 0 or negative number in the denominator
	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage2                                                 ;Mov message into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Display Message to screen - Prompting the user for the first denominator

	call readint                                                               ;Read the input number and store it into eax
	mov d1, eax                                                                ;Store the first denominator into d1
	cmp d1, 0                                                                  ;compare d1 to 0
	je wrong2                                                                  ;jump if d1 is equal to 0
	jmp sec3                                                                   ;If d1 is greater than 0 than it jumps to the next part of the program

wrong2:                                                                        ;Section Wrong2 - Tells the user they can't store 0 in the denominator
	call wrong                                                                 ;Calls PROC wrong
	jmp top2                                                                   ;jumps to top2 - prompts the user again for a denominator

sec3:	                                                                       ;Continue with program
	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage3                                                 ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Display message on screen - Prompts the user for the second numerator

	call readint                                                               ;Stores the second numerator into eax
	mov n2, eax                                                                ;Mov the second numerator into n2

top3:                                                                          ;Jumps here is the second denominator is equal to 0
	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage4                                                 ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Prompts the user for the second denominator

	call readint                                                               ;Stores the second denominator into eax
	mov d2, eax                                                                ;Mov the second denominator into d2
	cmp d2, 0                                                                  ;Compare d2 to 0
	je wrong3                                                                  ;Jump is d2 is equal to 0
	jmp sec4                                                                   ;Jump to continue program is greater than 0

wrong3:                                                                        ;Section - tells user 0 can't be stored in the denominator
	call wrong                                                                 ;Calls PROC wrong
	jmp top3                                                                   ;jumps to prompt the user again

sec4:                                                                          ;continue program
	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clearing a line

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage6                                                 ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Showing the first fraction

	mov eax, n1                                                                ;Mov the first numerator into eax
	call writeint                                                              ;Display the first numerator

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage5                                                 ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Displaying the /

	mov eax, d1                                                                ;Mov the first denominator into eax
	call writeint                                                              ;Display the first denominator

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage7                                                 ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Displaying the second fraction

	mov eax, n2                                                                ;Mov the second numerator into eax
	call writeint                                                              ;Displaying the second numerator

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage5                                                 ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Display the /

	mov eax, d2                                                                ;Mov the second denominator into eax
	call writeint                                                              ;Displaying the second denominator

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage8                                                 ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Displaying the product of the two fractions

	mov eax, n1                                                                ;Mov the first numerator into eax
	mul n2                                                                     ;n1 x n2 store into eax
	mov temp, eax                                                              ;Stores the product into temp

	mov eax, d1                                                                ;Mov the first denominator into eax
	mul d2                                                                     ;d1 x d2 store into eax
	mov temp2, eax                                                             ;Stores the product into temp2

	mov eax, temp                                                              ;Mov the product of the numerator into eax
	call writeint                                                              ;Display the product of the numerator

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage5                                                 ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Display /

	mov eax, temp2                                                             ;Mov the product of the denominator into eax
	call writeint                                                              ;Display the product of the denominator

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage9                                                 ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Displaying the reduce form of the product

	mov eax, temp                                                              ;Mov the product of the numerator into eax
	mov temp5,eax                                                              ;Mov the product of the numerator into temp5
	mov eax, temp2                                                             ;Mov the product of the denominator into eax
    mov temp6, eax                                                             ;Mov the product of the denominator into temp6

	mov edx, 0                                                                 ;Mov 0 into edx

	cmp temp5, 0                                                               ;Compare the product of the numerator to 0
	jl convert                                                                 ;If the product is negative convert to positive
	jmp regular                                                                ;If positive continue with program

	convert:                                                                   ;Convert negative to positive
	mov eax, temp5                                                             ;Mov the product of the numerator into eax
	cdq                                                                        ;Convert from DWORD to QWORD
    xor eax, edx                                                               ;Exclusive or eax and edx
    sub eax, edx                                                               ;eax - edx
	mov temp5, eax                                                             ;Store the positive number into temp5
	jmp regular                                                                ;continue with program

	regular:                                                                   ;continue program
	call gcd                                                                   ;Find the gcd of the product of the numerator and denominator

	mov edx, 0                                                                 ;Set edx to 0
	mov eax,temp5                                                              ;Mov the numerator product into eax
	div temp3                                                                  ;Divide by the gcd value
	cmp temp, 0                                                                ;Compare the original product of the numerator with 0
	jl correctionnegative                                                      ;If the original product of the numerator was negative then it will make the reduce form of the numerator product negative
	jmp cresume                                                                ;If original was positive then continue

	correctionnegative:                                                        ;Make negative
	neg eax                                                                    ;Make eax negative
	jmp cresume                                                                ;resume program

	cresume:                                                                   ;resume
	call writeint                                                              ;Display the reduce form of the numerator

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage5                                                 ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Display /

	mov edx, 0                                                                 ;Set edx to 0
	mov eax,temp2                                                              ;Mov the product of the denominator into eax
	div temp3                                                                  ;Divide the denominator by the gcd value
	call writeint                                                              ;Display reduce form of the denominator

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage10                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Prompts the user if they want to run the program again
	call readchar                                                              ;Fetchs the user response
	cmp al, 'y'                                                                ;compare the value to y
	je top                                                                     ;if value equals y then jump to the beginning of the pgroam
	cmp al, 'Y'                                                                ;compare the value to Y
	je top                                                                     ;if value equals Y then jump to the beginning of the program else exit

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line
	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov stirng into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage11                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Show terminating message

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line

	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line

	exit                                                                       ;Exit main
main ENDP                                                                      ;Exit proc

wrong PROC                                                                     ;Wrong PROC
	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Clear line
	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage13                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;Tell user off
	mov edx, OFFSET myMessage12                                                ;Mov string into edx
	call writestring                                                           ;clear line
ret                                                                            ;return
wrong ENDP                                                                     ;End of wrong PROC

gcd PROC                                                                       ;gcd PROC
mov eax,temp5                                                                  ;Mov product of the numerator into eax
cdq                                                                            ;convert to qword
mov ebx,temp6                                                                  ;Mov product of the denominator into ebx
mov eax, ebx                                                                   ;Mov ebx into eax
mov edx, 0                                                                     ;Set edx to 0
div ebx                                                                        ;Divide eax by ebx

L1:                                                                            ;loop
   mov eax,ebx                                                                 ;store ebx into eax
   mov ebx,edx                                                                 ;store edx into ebx
   cmp ebx,0                                                                   ;compare ebx to 0
   je endgcd                                                                   ;if equal to zero exit
   mov temp4,edx                                                               ;store remainder into temp4
   cdq                                                                         ;convert to qword
   mov edx, 0                                                                  ;set edx to 0
   div ebx                                                                     ;divide eax by ebx
   loop L1                                                                     ;loop

endgcd:                                                                        ;exit
   mov temp3, eax                                                              ;store eax to temp3
   ret                                                                         ;return

gcd ENDP                                                                       ;end of gcd PROC

END main                                                                       ;Tells the program that it is the end

I figured it out. Please remove this thread.

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