I have an assigment that i cant solve it , can any one help ?
Here is it :
Write a C++ program that calculates the interest for a customer’s money at a bank account. If the customer deposit is 6000 JD or less, the bank gives an interest of 3% if the customer kept his/her money in the back for a period of 2 years or longer. 2% only will be given as interest for the customer if he / she kept the money for a period of one year.
If the deposit is more than 6000 JD up to 9000 JD, the bank gives 4% if the customer kept the money for a period of 1 year and 5% if the period is 2 years. If the customer’s deposit is more than 9000 JD and up to 15,000 JD, the bank gives 6% interest if the period is 1 year and 7% if the period is 2 years.
If the deposit is more than 15000 JD, the bank gives 8% interest if the period is 1 year and 9% if the period is 2 years.
The program reads the deposited amount of money and the period for which it kept in the bank. From these two entries, the program should prints the total amount of money available at the bank after the added interest. You must use switch and if statements in your solution.