..uhm...hello...i'm new to python programming and I really want to explore more about this...

...i just want to know what is the best compiler I can use for this...

this = ?

..uhm...hello...i'm new to python programming and I really want to explore more about this...

...i just want to know what is the best compiler I can use for this...

I assume that you just want to try Python programming. You should first visit www.python.org (.org not .com) and read a little bit about Python there. Right now you could go with either 2.x or 3.x version of Python. Since Python is a high level "scripting" language, you don't need a compiler. Maybe you were wondering about what IDE to use rather than a compiler. A lot of people just use a text editor. The included GUI interpreter called IDLE also works quite well for learning. If you are running Python in Windows and planning to write a larger size programs, I find pyScripter to be quite easy to use for coding and debugging.

I don't know whether that answers your question, but I hope it helps getting you started.


commented: Nice and kind advice +13

...uhm.....that makes sense..thank you so much....

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